IndieHIG » Blog Archive » Fix the Leopard Folders (FTLF or FTFLF)
by sbrothierOver the past few months, there’s been a lot of discussion about the new UI changes in Leopard. These mainly revolve around the dock [1] [2] and the menu bar which has recently been improved. Surprisingly, I have yet to see anyone comment on the new folders.
Folder icons in Mac OS should serve the following purposes:
* Fit in aesthetically with the other Apple-designed icons provided in the Leopard install
* Make it very easy to distinguish between folders at a glance
* Quickly describe the contents of the folder
The new folders in Leopard fail on all counts for the four reasons listed below.
furbo.org · The HIG still matters, even with special effects
by sbrothierChanges to the Dock in Leopard do not follow the Human Interface Guidelines