public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags twitter & social

January 2008

10 Ways Twitter Can Boost Your Social News Profile

by blogsir
1) Match Your Usernames and Avatars 2) Search Twitter for Twitter Users Mentioning Your Favorite Social Site 3) Search Google for Profiles on Your Favorite Social News Sites Mentioning Twitter 4) Link to your Twitter Account from All Your Social Profiles 5) Ask Readers of Your Blog to Follow You 6) "Twitter-jack" Active Social News & Twitter Users' Friends 7) Ask Questions 8) Don't Just Spam Twitter, Add Value 9) Post the Title with the URL 10) Consider Using a Social Media Specific URL Shortener

December 2007

November 2007


by Dliz & 2 others
AIR based Instant Messenger - Connects to MSN Yahoo! ICQ GTalk AIM Flickr YouTube Blog RSS MySpace Friendster Twitter

Twitter search

by Dliz
direct message me a search string, i'll direct message you the results back from


by Dliz & 3 others
Automatically Pointless. Update Twitter Automatically.


by Dliz
Plannificateur de messages pour Twitter


by Dliz & 1 other
Twitter directory - Find your friends and more on Twitter!

September 2007

Groups, Groupings, and Taming My Buddy List. And Twitter |

by simon_bricolo
la notion de "groupe" en social software et les différentes formes que peut prendre cette notion

August 2007

Pownce : Paul Terry W.

by springnet
pownce page of Paul Terry Walhus or springnet a web developer and one man IT Dept in Austin, Texas

June 2007

May 2007

Jaiku | kooolman

by kooolman
Nouvel espace sur J'ai ajouté tous mes flux rss persos (photos, twitter, vidéos, musique, ...). Vous pourrez réellement me suivre à la trace tout au long de la journée :) Savoir quelle musique j'écoute à 8h, quelle vidéo j'ai envoyé sur Youtube à 9h30, quelles photos envoyées sur Flickr à 10h et géotagguées sur Panoramio à 11h, les nouveaux billets du blog à 13h, mes comentaires sur d'autres blogs dans l'après-midi, ... tout ça dans un seul flux rss : Et encore, je vais explorer encore un peu plus le bazar... affaire à suivre.


by springnet
Put a sticky note on any webpage. Highlight some quote on a webpage. Automatically post them as your Twitter status (including the URL).

April 2007


by springnet & 3 others
access all your social networks (MySpace, Blogs, Flickr, YouTube etc.) from a single entry point

March 2007

February 2007


by springnet & 7 others
Twitter is a community of friends and strangers from around the world sending updates about moments in their lives. Friends near or far can use Twitter to remain somewhat close while far away. Curious people can make friends. Bloggers can use it as a m