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PUBLIC MARKS with tags twitter & firefox



Transformer votre lecteur RSS en magasine

by Giraultises & 2 others (via)
feedly est une extension pour Firefox qui vous permet de transformer Google Reader en magasine (article en colonne) afin d'en facilité sa lecture et son utilisation. Vous pourrez aussi interagir et partager vos lectures avec Twitter.


Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Snowl

by nhoizey
Snowl is an experiment, a prototype Firefox extension that integrates messaging into the browser based on a few key ideas

TwitterFox – naan studio – Trac

by nhoizey & 2 others
TwitterFox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends' tweets of Twitter.


TwitterFox - naan studio - Trac

by CharlesNepote & 2 others
"[...] TwitterFox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends' statuses of Twitter. (former name is TwitterNotifier) This extension adds a tiny icon on the status bar that notifies you when your friends update their statuses. Also it has a small text input field to update your status. [...]"

8 Plugins FireFox pour Twitter

by CharlesNepote
"[...] L’endroit rêvé pour les utiliser reste bien sur vôtre navigateur, qui recense un bon nombre d’extensions dédiées, notamment pour Firefox. Nous en avons recensés huit, n’hésitez pas a nous dire si vous en connsaissez d’autres ! [...]"

Shankar Ganesh | Tech Blog » Blog Archive » Twitter Greasemonkey Scripts Collection

by springnet
I’ve been using Twitter for the past few days and I’m hooked. I searched for some Greasemonkey scripts for twitter and found these.

mike demers dot net » tweetbar

by springnet
Tweetbar is a wicked cool Twitter sidebar for Firefox and Flock.

Tweetbar |

by simon_bricolo
wicked cool Twitter sidebar for Firefox and Flock.

Twitterbar at spatialviews |

by simon_bricolo & 2 others
allows to post directly from your browsers addressbar

Twitter directly from Firefox

by srcmax
Then I found TwitterBar which allows me to post directly from your browsers addressbar.


by gialloporpora
Twitter è il fenomeno del momento, quasi tutti ne parlano. Di cosa si tratta ? E' un servizio che permette di informare gli altri su cosa si sta facendo. Basta iscriversi e postare un piccolo messaggio e questo sarà visibile in un feed a tutti i vostri amici :-). Volevo segnalare, a chi stesse usando Twitter, questa nuova estensione per Firefox/Flock: TwitterBar, che permette di postare direttamente da barra degli indirizzi. Chi non vuole usare l'estensione può sempre usare questo search plugin per postare velocemente su Twitter.

Ludicrous › Firefox Search Plugin: Post Updates to Twitter right from your Firefox Search Bar!

by springnet & 1 other
Take a look at the button to the left of your Firefox Search Bar now. You’ll see that the button has a faint glow around it Click the drop down menu and click Add “Post to Twitter”.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag twitter

atester +   bootstrap +   css +   devtables +   facebook +   fb +   forms +   grids +   howto +   internet +   js +   navigation +   réseaux +   screencast +   sociaux +   springnet blogmarks +   stumbleupon +   toolkit +   typo +   ui +   video +   webdesign +  

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last mark : 04/06/2007 14:04