public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag tracking

June 2014

Twitter Isn't As Democratic As You Think | ThinkProgress

by sbrothier
But while social media revolutionizes how the world responds to political and social events, it may be a double-edged sword. Researchers warned that the tendency to fixate on a small number of opinions encourages the proliferation of rumors, misinformation, and political polarization.

Google rompt avec les annonceurs porno — Le Tag Parfait

by sbrothier
AdWords, la régie publicitaire de Google, existe depuis près de quinze ans. C’est elle qui glisse de petites suggestions sur la page de résultats lorsque vous louez les services de l’hégémonique moteur de recherche. Vous voulez prendre soin de votre premier bonsaï ? AdWords vous tend une poignée de sites sur lesquels vous êtes susceptibles de dépenser vos sous : des boutiques de jardinage, des bonsaïstes professionnels, et cetera. Toutes ces annonces sont sélectionnées par AdWords en fonction de votre position géographique, de votre langue, du moment de la journée et surtout des termes utilisés dans votre requête.

Opt Out From Online Behavioral Advertising By Participating Companies (BETA)

by gregg
Using the tools on this page, you can opt out from receiving interest-based advertising from some or all of our participating companies.

Opt Out From Online Behavioral Advertising By Participating Companies (BETA)

by sbrothier
Welcome to the consumer opt out page for the Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising. Our participating companies are committed to transparency and choice. Some of the ads you receive on Web pages are customized based on predictions about your interests generated from your visits over time and across different Web sites. This type of ad customization — sometimes called "online behavioral" or "interest-based" advertising — is enabled through your computer browser and browser cookies. Such online advertising helps support the free content, products and services you get online.

The Internet in Real-Time

by sbrothier & 2 others
The Internet in Real-Time How Quickly Data is Generated

How technology is driving the next wave of film animation - Telegraph

by sbrothier (via)
The spread of new animation techniques – like motion capture, which involves tracking the movement of objects and people to create more life-like characters – will also inevitably contribute to the data avalanche. Meanwhile, Lucasfilm has announced that the next generation of Star Wars films will use 48 frames a second rather than 24, signalling a new era for the film industry.

Driverless cars and Red Barchettas: Did Rush predict a Google-controlled future? - The Big Event

by sbrothier
Peart wrote the lyrics in 1981, and appears to correctly predict the inventions of Google Earth and Street View (“the eyes”). This will become even more prescient in the next decade or two, as the products continue their inevitable evolution toward watching our every move in real time. (Initially for consumer data-tracking purposes, but later co-opted by law enforcement.)

April 2014


by sbrothier
StickR TrackR can easily attach to keys through its included key loop or can be stuck to almost anything with included double sided sticky tape.

Mon crédit recalé par un robot! - Banque et finance - Actualité -

by sbrothier & 1 other
Réseaux sociaux, données personnelles, algorithmes complexes : la révolution numérique bouscule les banques. Leurs bases de données en savent toujours plus sur vous. Au point que, demain, votre crédit sera peut-être recalé par un ordinateur.

Twitter buys social data provider Gnip, stock soars | Reuters

by sbrothier
The company previously allowed third-party firms such as Gnip, Datasift and Dataminr to buy access to the tweets and then re-sell that data to corporate clients.

March 2014

Instant Peeping

by sbrothier & 1 other
Instant Peeping is a project that explores behaviour patterns through data analysis among Instagram users. With the rise of social media and mobile location services, Instant Peeping acts as a realtime live experiment to generate greater insight into the what, where and when of posting habits.

Ennemis d’Internet | Les institutions au cœur du système de censure et de surveillance

by sbrothier & 1 other
En février 2013, Natalia Radzina, rédactrice en chef de Charter97, un site d’information bélarusse régulièrement censuré pour ses positions critiques vis-à-vis du pouvoir, assistait à la conférence sur Internet et la liberté de la presse organisée par l’OSCE à Vienne. Elle y est tombée sur une connaissance qu’elle aurait préféré ne pas croiser : un membre du Centre analytique des opérations, l’organisme qui coordonne les opérations de surveillance et de censure sur Internet au Bélarus. Ce sont ces institutions, peu connues mais souvent au centre des systèmes de surveillance ou de censure de nombreux Etats, que Reporters sans frontières a décidé de mettre en avant dans son rapport « Ennemis d’Internet », publié à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale contre la censure, le 12 mars.

3D Facial Imaging Software and Emotion Measurement Technology | nViso

by sbrothier
Analyze human emotions from facial expressions. More direct and automatic than by any other method. Free yourself from black boxes, electrodes, and wiring. Cost-effectively assess the emotional impact of service, product and brand messages on an unprecedented scale.

Webcam-based gesture recognition with reveal.js

by sbrothier
This is what I got when I combined webcam-based gesture recognition with Hakim El Hattab's reveal.js. It took me a while to write and fine tune the detection algorithms. Even then, the algorithms are only about 80% accurate. You get the gist of it though:  A flick of the hand in mid-air changes the slide. A two hand flick up or down activates the slide overview. Tips and troubleshooting in the slides below (you can still use the keyboard or reveal.js's built in controls)

February 2014

What They Know - WSJ

by sbrothier & 1 other
Marketers are spying on Internet users -- observing and remembering people's clicks, and building and selling detailed dossiers of their activities and interests. The Wall Street Journal's What They Know series documents the new, cutting-edge uses of this Internet-tracking technology. The Journal analyzed the tracking files installed on people's computers by the 50 most popular U.S. websites, plus The Journal also built an "exposure index" -- to determine the degree to which each site exposes visitors to monitoring -- by studying the tracking technologies they install and the privacy policies that guide their use.

November 2013

How to Erase Yourself From the Internet

by sbrothier (via)
If your growing weariness of being constantly tethered to the internet has become overwhelming, it might be time to scrub yourself from the social media sphere altogether. Here's how you can become a ghost on the Internet, by tracking down and eliminating your digital past.

October 2013

BMJ Group blogs: BMJ Web Development Blog » Blog Archive » Lightbeam for Firefox: find out who’s tracking you online

by sbrothier (via)
As the internet continues to evolve, issues surrounding privacy remain a common cause for concern. There is growing anxiety among internet users of how their online activities are tracked for commercial purposes. The business model behind this is generally to aggregate a large number of users in order to sell that audience’s aggregate attention, usually in the form of advertising.  After all, “If you’re not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold.”

Amid NSA Outrage, Big Tech Companies Plan to Track You Even More Aggressively | Wired Business |

by gregg
Some of the biggest companies in tech are assembling new forms of online tracking that would follow users more aggressively than the open technologies used today. Just this week, word arrived that Microsoft is developing such a system, following, apparently, in the footsteps of Google.

Object Detection with HTML5 getUserMedia | TechSlides

by sbrothier & 1 other
Recently, I have seen a couple different JavaScript face detection demos based on the HTML5 getUserMedia API. I even made my own face detection demo based on the HTML5 video tag. Beyond human faces, we also have face detection for cats in JavaScript, nudity detection, and much more with js-objectdetect, a JavaScript library for real-time object detection.