public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag tracking

January 2010


by webs
Observe and learn how your users are interacting with your web applications.

November 2009

October 2009

September 2009

August 2009

Audit Trail Plugin - Keep track of changes to your WordPress site |

by simon_bricolo
plugin to keep track of what is going on inside your blog. It does this by recording certain actions (such as who logged in and when) and storing this information in the form of a log. Not only that but it records the full contents of posts (and pages) and allows you to restore a post to a previous version at any time.

July 2009

freckle: time tracking rethought

by Spone & 2 others
You know you're losing time, which means you're losing money. But knowing that you're losing money doesn't seem to help at all, because you hate the act of time tracking so much, you just estimate at the end of the day (or worse). You've tried several different solutions, each time hoping you'd found one you could live with, but in the end they all seem the same. We had the same problems. That's why we made freckle.

June 2009

TOSBack | The Terms-Of-Service Tracker

by Spone & 4 others (via)
TOSBack keeps an eye on 44 website policies. Every time one of them changes, you'll see an update here.

May 2009

March 2009

February 2009

January 2009

Versionista: Track changes to any Web site

by Spone
Versionista monitors Web sites that you specify for edits. Our Web-based service records every change, clearly highlighting added or deleted words and sentences.

Userfly |

by simon_bricolo & 3 others
Outil online pour screencaster les users de son site en mettant une simple ligne de javascript

December 2008

November 2008

Flash traqué par Google Analytics

by camel (via)
Google fournit une boîte à outils pour surveiller plus efficacement les événements des utilisateurs sur les contenus Flash. Lors de la conférence Adobe MAX de San Francisco, les équipes de Google Analytics ont dévoilé leur Google Analytics Tracking For Adobe Flash. Il s'agît d'une boîte à outils, plus précisément d'une API, destinée à simplifier le tracking des événements utilisateurs sur les contenus Flash et Flex. Les développeurs utilisant cette application graphique savent depuis longtemps qu'il est possible d'utiliser Google Analytics pour surveiller les actions des utilisateurs, mais cela restait tout de même assez fastidieux. Pour découvrir comment tout cela fonctionne, rendez-vous sur la documentation pour les développeurs.

September 2008

July 2008

La réalité augmentée

by keusta (via)
tracking + 3D + realtime action = réalité augmenté

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tracking

ajax +   analytics +   blog +   blogger +   blogging +   blogs +   bug +   business +   comment +   comments +   cool +   design +   eye +   flash +   flight +   free +   fun +   google +   gps +   internet +   javascript +   link +   maps +   marketing +   mod +   motion +   opensource +   php +   project +   rss +   service +   shipping +   social +   software +   space +   statistics +   statistiques +   stats +   technology +   time +   tool +   tools +   tracker +   transport +   travel +   twitter +   usability +   video +   web +   web2.0 +