public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag trac

November 2006

installation trac subversion

by esion & 1 other
installation de trac et svn sur ubuntu gestion de projet, multi-devs, wiki, bugtracker

September 2006

Setting Up Trac on CentOS

by springnet
After a fairly drawn-out process of identifying which wiki software to deploy at work, we finally settled on Trac, which in addition to a wiki provides a bunch of project-management tools: trouble tickets, milestones, and strong ties to the Subversion rev

Trac Hacks - Plugins Macros etc. - Trac

by camel (via)
TracHacks uses the excellent TagsPlugin, which adds basic categorisation to Trac. All hacks are tagged with one or more of the available tags.

August 2006

Installer Subversion et Trac

by lemondeduweb & 1 other
Ce tutoriel explique comment installer le gestionnaire de révisions et de source Subversion (svn) et Trac, un ensemble d’applications associés à SVN contenant un wiki, un collecteur de bugs, etc.

TraM - Trac

by mbertier
TraM is a wrapper application that sits on top of The Trac project to provide summaries of all projects.

July 2006

DotClear 2 - Trac

by tehu & 3 others
Not yet the official site. SVN checkout. Beta 2 coming soon. Release date : unknown

lancement du site DotClear 2 preview

by tehu (via)
Enfin le vrai :) ! Avec un accès SVN

ActiveCollab: A Trac Killer? - SantosJ Web Log - About my projects and what I’m currently doing

by mbertier
For an early prototype version 0.6 is nice, but even activeCollab uses Trac for bug tracking.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag trac

control +   gestion +   groupware +   interface +   projet +   ruby +   sauvegarde +   server +   web +   wiki +