public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags tools & testing

November 2009

October 2009

September 2009

August 2009

July 2009

June 2009

Accessiweb dans mon-opquast – Blog Opquast

by piouPiouM
Opquast permet de réaliser des audits Accessiweb. Présentation vidéo.

Adobe® BrowserLab

by Jeremy B. & 1 other
Preview and test your web pages on leading browsers and operating systems

Adobe Labs - Adobe BrowserLab

by claire_ & 1 other
BrowserLab provides web designers exact renderings of their web pages in multiple browsers and operating systems, on demand. BrowserLab is a powerful solution for cross-browser compatibility testing, featuring multiple viewing and comparison tools, as well as customizable preferences. Since BrowserLab is an online service, it can be accessed from virtually any computer connected to the web. Also, Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4 software users have access to additional functionality such as testing local and active content.

April 2009


by simon_bricolo & 2 others
web-based software application for remote online card sorting

February 2009

xinc - Google Code

by Jeremy B. & 2 others
Xinc is a continuous integration server written in PHP 5. It has built-in support for Subversion and Phing (and therefore PHPUnit), and can be easily extended to work with alternative version control or build tools.

January 2009

Userfly |

by simon_bricolo & 3 others
Outil online pour screencaster les users de son site en mettant une simple ligne de javascript

October 2008

JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging |

by simon_bricolo & 7 others
"A cool pastie-like for javascript. you can put your html along with your javascript and execute it. The biggest javascript libraries are already inside and ready to be added to your code." Via lejoe

Tools for Performance Tuning and Optimization |, Inc. - Drupal Development, Customization and Consulting

by holyver
When tuning a site's performance, a system administrator needs certain tools to measure and monitor how the site is doing under increasing load, as well as identify where bottlenecks may be. Linux system performance monitoring tools On Linux, there are several tools available to you to do this. We describe what we have found as the most helpful in this section.

July 2008

June 2008