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January 2007

25 Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Readers & Search Engines

by blogsir & 6 others
1) Dump The Default Template - Looks Count! 2) Just Say No To Bad Color Schemes 3) RSS Me! 4) Offer RSS & Feed Subscription Buttons 5) Offer Posts Via Email 6) Decide On Full Or Partial Feeds 7) Write Compelling Snippets/Descriptions 8) Pay Attention to How You Write. 9) Spelling Counts 10) Fontography Counts 11) Don't Forget Navigation 12) How Fast is Your Host? 13) Avoid Widget Overload! 14) Have Descriptive Titles 15) Look at your Cascading Style Sheets. 16) Post Often 17) Spread the Link Love 18) Be Aware of Your Anchor Text 19) Create Unique Stories 20) Use a Related Posts Plugin 21) Ping Other Sites 22) Buy Your Own Domain Name 23) Manage Your Trackback & Comment Spam 24) Use a Good URL Structure 25) Use Great Categories

December 2006

50 Tools that can Increase your Writing Skills

by blogsir & 4 others

40+ Tips to Improve your Grammar and Punctuation

by blogsir & 2 others

101 google website optimizer tips

by blogsir & 4 others
101个针对google 的站点优化技巧

Five Simple Steps To Build A Great Team Blog

by blogsir
* Find people who are smarter than you. * Find people heavily engaged in a different conversation. * Find people you can rely upon. * Find people with a different voice. * Find people who compliment your skills.

How To Become a Blogging Nut

by blogsir
1、Set yourself a schedule. 2、Keep a personal blog to warm up with. 3、Keep an eye on your blog. The key to becoming a great blogger is to have discipline and to live by the rules you set out for yourself.

The "Mock 10" Signs of Blog Addiction

by blogsir
10. You check your blog stats a LOT. 9. Your significant other suspects you are having an affair with your blog. 8. You “mental blog” 7. You filter everything through your post-writing. 6. You suffer from “blog envy” 5. You “binge blog” 3 or 4 posts at once 4. You ditched all your real friends for blog friends 3. You think, “I can stop at any time.” 2. Your lunch hour has become your “blog hour.” 1. After 5 minutes of meeting someone really interesting you ask, “So - do you blog?”

9Reasons to Start A Blog

by blogsir
1. Improve writing skills 2. Form opinions on subjects 3. Provide others with a different view 4. Learn the lows of failure and the highs of success 5. Learn to embrace criticism 6. Earn a profit 7. Make friends 8. Become acquainted with Internet technology 9. It can be anonymous or public

Writing Better: 10 Simple Steps to Writing an Article

by blogsir
1. Find out what keywords you need to use in your next article. 2. Write out a headline or general subject title (you will revise the title later). 3. Make a list. 4. Write one or two sentences about each point on the list. 5. Write an introduction that tells people why this is important to them. 6. Create a dynamic headline. (Use a headline/copywriter's manual if you need help) 7. Write the conclusion. (Don't forget a call to action.) 8. Include links in your resource box or author's information paragraph 9. Submit to, or to your favorite article directory. 10. Repurpose the article for your ezine, blogs, and other uses (use it as a special report, etc.)

10 Add-ons to consider for your website

by blogsir
* Favicon * Robots.txt and Sitemaps * RSS Feeds * TABINDEX * Microsummaries * Print stylesheet * Accesskeys * XFN * Link and image titles * Language codes

Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes

by blogsir & 15 others
1. No Author Biographies 2. No Author Photo 3. Nondescript Posting Titles 4. Links Don't Say Where They Go 5. Classic Hits are Buried 6. The Calendar is the Only Navigation 7. Irregular Publishing Frequency 8. Mixing Topics 9. Forgetting That You Write for Your Future Boss 10. Having a Domain Name Owned by a Weblog Service

November 2006

Top 10 things I need to do to clean up my sites

by blogsir
1) upgrade every site to the latest version of wordpress 2) standardize all the plugins that I’m using for every site to all the sites 3) upgrade all the plugins to the latest version 4) make sure all my wp-cron and automate wp backups are working properly 5) update my syndication graphic buttons from feedburner chicklet feature 6) update my About Pages 7) Make sure my Sitemaps and archives are being displayed properly 8) I’d like to create something like “Top Posts” or “My Favorites” page in each site 9) For my own sites.. more randomness surfing options 10) .. and stuff like that but may be unique to each individual site (Don’t know yet)

Your Blog Reading Assignment Today Is…

by blogsir

October 2006

Shell Tips !» CLI workaround for Windows XP : Using LIST (LESS-Like)

by orieg
LESS-Like usage on a windows XP by using LIST command line tool. Nice Tips.

May 2006

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online

by slogoo & 56 others
LibraryThing是一个给书tagging的网站. 注册很简单, 只要用户名和密码, 不需要填入任何个人信息. 免费版的LibraryThing可以为200本书打上Tag. 用户可以方便的搜索. 类似的网站有 Listal, 该站还可以给DVD

Quick Online Tips » The Big Google Search Tools Collection

by slogoo & 2 others
Quick Online Tips » The Big Google Search Tools Collection>>>>Google搜索工具集合

April 2006

Are you prepared?

by jasonbentley
San Francisco is exposed to a wide variety of hazards, both natural and man-made. Earthquakes, fires, severe storms, power outages, and acts of terrorism are just some of the potential emergencies we may encounter. Imagine that you have no electricity, n