public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag thunderbird

July 2008

June 2008

Zindus |

by simon_bricolo & 1 other
Thunderbird Contact Sync for Google and Zimbra

May 2008

FinchSync Home

by gregR & 2 others
FinchSync is a tool for synchronizing contacts, appointments and tasks from Mozilla email and calendar products with a Pocket PC or SmartPhone.

Tb AutoSave Extension :: Modules pour Thunderbird

by eledo34 (via)
Pour la sauvegarde des mails, il existe une extension (sous windows en tous cas) pour Thunderbird: TB Auto save, version 0.0.96 pour TB 1.5, et version 0.1.6 pour TB 2.

April 2008

March 2008

Creating or editing CSV files

by holyver
Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel make it easy to create and edit CSV files. Your CSV file should be formatted as a table and must include a header, or first line, that defines the fields in your table. Gmail accepts many common header fields (name, email address, birthday, etc.). If you're updating an existing file, you probably won't need to change your header field names; if you're creating a new file and need some guidance, you can use any of the field names used in the examples below.


by parmentierf & 6 others
“Seek” adds faceted browsing features to Mozilla Thunderbird and lets you search through your email more effectively.


by nhoizey & 6 others
“Seek” adds faceted browsing features to Mozilla Thunderbird and lets you search through your email more effectively.


by gregR & 6 others
“Seek” adds faceted browsing features to Mozilla Thunderbird and lets you search through your email more effectively.

Présentation du Linutop 2 - Standblog

by nhoizey
Linutop est un vraiment minuscule ordinateur prêt à fonctionner, sous Linux. Il est idéal pour naviguer sur le Web, lire ses mails, faire de la bureautique, et même regarder des vidéos ! En plus, c'est écologique, et c'est français !

February 2008

LookOut :: Thunderbird Add-ons

by camel
LookOut is a plugin which allows Thunderbird to interface with Microsoft's mail tools by decoding metadata and attachments encapsulated/embedded in a TNEF encoded attachment (aka winmail.dat). The TNEF decoding engine was inspired (with permission) by the project.

Geckozone - Un dictionnaire français intégré par défaut dans Firefox, Thunderbird et Seamonkey

by gregR
Le dico français est intégré par défaut à partir de la version de firefox et thunderbird

Attachment Extractor :: Modules pour Thunderbird

by jpcaruana & 1 other
Extracts all attachments from selected messages and then can delete, detach or mark-read. Just select the messages containing the attachments you want to extract and select 'Extract Attachments' and this extension does the rest. No more having to go through each message to extract the attachments! Check out the settings dialog for the different options.