04 May 2005
Remove Forebrain and Serve: Tag Clouds II
by François Hodierne & 3 others"Why tag clouds are absolutely the wrong approach to helping people find content."
Mytech | Folksonomy: l'altro modo di archiviare in Internet
by François HodierneSpinto dal successo di Flickr e soci ecco il fenomeno che sta riscrivendo la classificazione dei contenuti in rete. Ed è a misura e immagine degli utenti
03 May 2005
Folksonomy e tag: i siti imperdibili
by François HodierneAl motto di "enlarge your bookmarks" ecco una variazione di de.licio.us che fonde il social bookmarking con il mondo dei blog e offre alcune funzionalità interessanti.
30 April 2005
You're It!
by François Hodierne & 18 others (via)a blog on tagging by Adam Mathes, Christian Crumlish, Clay Shirky, David Weinberger, Don Turnbull, Jon Lebkowsky, Mary Hodder, Timo Hannay
26 April 2005
Pour quelques folksonomies de plus
by ronez & 1 other (via)Un aperçu de quelques outils basés sur le concept de mot-clé (ou tag) disponibles à l'heure actuelle
Pour quelques folksonomies de plus
by François Hodierne & 1 otherUn aperçu de quelques outils basés sur le concept de mot-clé (ou tag) disponibles à l'heure actuelle
SKOS Core Guide
by François Hodierne & 3 others (via)SKOS Core provides a model for expressing the basic structure and content of concept schemes.
18 April 2005
Folksonomies: How we can improve the tags
by nhoizey & 5 others (via)Folksonomies—like controlled vocabularies—are here to stay, and I would like to focus on how we can make them work better.
Explaining and Showing Broad and Narrow Folksonomies :: Personal InfoCloud
by nhoizey & 6 others (via)The folksonomy is most often also social so that others that use the same vocabulary will be able to find the object as well. It is important to note that folksonomies work best when the tags used to describe objects are in the common vocabulary and not what a person perceives others will call it (the tool works like no other for personal information management of information on the web, but is also shared with the world to help others find the information).
17 April 2005
How we can improve the tags
by François Hodierne & 5 others"Folksonomies--like controlled vocabularies--are here to stay, and I would like to focus on how we can make them work better."
16 April 2005
Library clips :: Social bookmarks so far%u2026 :: April :: 2005
by ramage & 2 othersGood article on folksonomies and the present state/future possibilities of tagging
Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
by nhoizey & 46 others (via)A must read scientific article.
Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
by marc-o & 46 others (via)A must read scientific article.
13 April 2005
12 April 2005
07 April 2005
Code Snippets
by François Hodierne & 48 others (via)"Store, sort and share source code, with tag goodness" Excellent!!
03 April 2005
Picking Up Where Search Leaves Off
by François Hodierne & 2 othersUn article de Business Week sur les tags.
31 March 2005
Flickr, un révélateur social ?
by nhoizey & 1 other (via)"Flickr est ce site qui permet à chaque personne de poster des photographies et d'ajouter des étiquettes à chacune des images. L'étiquetage ne possède aucune hiérarchie, il est complètement plat et donc souvent complètement inutile dans le cadre d'une recherche plus complexe et plus organisée."
28 March 2005
xFolk: An xhtml microformat for folksonomy
by marc-o & 4 others (via)xFolk is an open xhtml microformat that allows users to publish their own folksonomy classifications for aggregation by the services they choose.
xFolk: An xhtml microformat for folksonomy
by nhoizey & 4 others (via)xFolk is an open xhtml microformat that allows users to publish their own folksonomy classifications for aggregation by the services they choose.
xFolk: Iteration in Response to Comments
by nhoizey & 1 other (via)Readers raised several useful issues with the first iteration of the microformat. This new iteration addresses those issues. Further comment is appreciated.
xFolk: Iteration in Response to Comments
by François Hodierne & 1 otherReaders raised several useful issues with the first iteration of the microformat. This new iteration addresses those issues. Further comment is appreciated.
xFolk: An xhtml microformat for folksonomy
by François Hodierne & 4 others (via)xFolk is an open xhtml microformat that allows users to publish their own folksonomy classifications for aggregation by the services they choose.