public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags tags & blog

July 2005

Outils Froids - KM, la vision de Dave Snowden

by nhoizey (via)
l'avenir du KM est à un renversement de perspective vis-à-vis de l'utilisateur final. En lui attribuant la place centrale et en lui donnant les outils appropriés il devient de fait un agent actif du KM dans son organisation tout simplement parce que le frein constitué par l'existence même d'un outil central de KM (base de donnée, portail) n'existe plus

June 2005

Then each went to his own home » Tags: Database schemas

by fredbird & 21 others
an article about various solutions for tags-system (flat-hierarchy) database implementation

May 2005


by arnet & 154 others (via)
Qu'arrive t-il de neuf sur le web à partir des tags What's happening on the Web right now

Système de tags

by Monique & 1 other (via)
Pierrick : "Je ne passe plus une journée sans faire un tour sur Blogmarks" Moi aussi ;-)... et moi aussi !

O'Reilly Radar

by François Hodierne & 19 others
Nice designed weblog. Interesting and tags integration.

April 2005

You're It!

by François-Paul & 18 others
a blog on tagging by Adam Mathes, Christian Crumlish, Clay Shirky, David Weinberger, Don Turnbull, Jon Lebkowsky, Mary Hodder, Timo Hannay

You're It!

by François Hodierne & 18 others (via)
a blog on tagging by Adam Mathes, Christian Crumlish, Clay Shirky, David Weinberger, Don Turnbull, Jon Lebkowsky, Mary Hodder, Timo Hannay

You're It!

by marc-o & 18 others
a blog on tagging

David Galbraith - Tagging and the Semantic Web

by smudie & 2 others
Tagging, i.e. on-the-fly user generated keyword categorization looks like it is becoming the standard way to categorize weblog content, replacing things like fixed pre-set categories.

March 2005

Vimeo - Automatic Movies

by nhoizey & 54 others (via)
Welcome to Vimeo! This is a site for organizing and sharing your video clips. Vimeo also makes it easy to watch your friends' video clips, or to view clips that have common subject matter.

Vimeo - Automatic Movies

by rjjjsp & 54 others
Welcome to Vimeo! This is a site for organizing and sharing your video clips. Vimeo also makes it easy to watch your friends' video clips, or to view clips that have common subject matter.

Aides à la Navigation Web

by Xavier & 2 others
Aides à la navigation : cartographies, récits de voyageurs ... Web Services pour améliorer les blogs, les intranets