public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag tagcloud

April 2007

March 2007

Watchr - A community of topics built by those that love them

by ycc2106
Search for a Topic. If it has been created in Watchr, you will automatically be taken to a page that shows you current news articles, blog posts, related sites and more on the Topic. Watchr will then go out and grab new information on the Topic from aroun

February 2007

January 2007


by srcmax & 12 others
Create your own tag cloud from any text to visualize word frequency.

24 ways: Marking Up a Tag Cloud

by nhoizey
Everyone‘s doing it. The problem is, everyone’s doing it wrong

Tagcloud uf? at microformatique - a blog about microformats and “data at the edges”

by nhoizey
here is a very first stab at an hTagcloud microformat proposal. Some of it is contingent on the resolution of the issues outlined above and summarized below.

December 2006

A HREF cloud

by ycc2106 (via)
Href cloud is a combination of a web site and a crawler. Once you follow a link from a certain page to href cloud, the href cloud will go back to the site you came from to check for the metadate of that site, such as the title and the domain of that page. After that, the origination page will automatically appear in the href cloud.

November 2006

October 2006

September 2006

Domino & Web 2.0: AJAX - Tag Clouds

by flapsy
Un nuage de tags est une représentation sous forme de liste de mots représentés de taille proportionnelle à leur importance. Cette importance est principalement lié au nombre d'occurences du mot. On retrouve aujourd'hi ces nuages de tags un peu partout sur les applications dites 2.0 comme delicious, Flickr ou encore Technorati.

August 2006


by ycc2106 & 1 other
flickrSetCloud shows all sets of a flickr user as weighted cloud, the more photos, the bigger the title. all you need to do is to enter a flickr username.

Experiments in TagPie

by ycc2106
This is a demo of using pie charts to display tag information. It uses and the pie chart from Gheos.


by ycc2106 & 1 other
A program to create a flickr tag cloud

July 2006

TagClick: ガイド

by ycc2106
TagClick(タグクリック)は、あなたのブログへタグによるエントリー(記事)のグループ分けと検索機能をプラスする無料サービスです。TagClickを利用して各エントリーに関連するタグを付けると - aggregating the wisdom and madness of the crowd

by fox_b

June 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tagcloud

art +   blog +   design +   generator +   java +   online +   software +   typo +   word +