public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag table

September 2010

July 2010

June 2010

Data Tables and Cascading Style Sheets Gallery

by stoneland & 13 others
CSS Table Gallery, Idea, Hosting and Initial Design by Chris Heilmann. Free to use and share.

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

Table Wizard |

by claire_
The Table Wizard facilitates dealing with database tables: It allows surfacing any table in the Drupal default database through Views 2. Relationships between the tables it manages can be defined, so views combining data in the tables can be constructed. It performs analysis of the tables it manages, reporting on empty fields, data ranges, ranges of string lengths, etc. It provides an API for other modules to views-enable their tables. It provides an API for importing data into tables in the Drupal default database (automatically doing the views integration above). It is bundled with an implementation of this API, for importing comma- and tab-delimited files.

February 2010

January 2010

ASCII Table - The Pronunciation Guide

by marco (via)
ASCII punctuation characters and their various pronunciations

December 2009

Compatibility table: CSS3 Selectors - CSS3 . Info

by naudjf (via)
s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes E[foo$="bar"] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes E[foo^="bar"] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes E ~ F Yes Ye

Table périodique des méthodes visuelles

by Giraultises & 13 others (via)
A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods est comme son nom l'indique une table périodique des méthodes de travail visuelles. Vous y retrouverez les diagrammes, les mindmap, les arbres, ... et plein d'autres méthodes que vous ne soupçonnez même pas. Un ressource en ligne intéressante...

November 2009

August 2009

April 2009

March 2009