public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag syndication

August 2006

Del.icio.us的成功经验 在 {言多必得}

by jackiege

Magpie RSS - PHP RSS Parser

by firdaws & 37 others
Librairie javascript pour insérer des flux rss externe sur un site

vdiddy - Video buffet served daily

by jackiege & 1 other

什么是Aggregator - 2SIMPLE

by jackiege

Niall Kennedy quite Microsoft au bout de 5 mois.

by tehu & 1 other (via)
Windows Live is under some heavy change, reorganization, pullback, and general paralysis and unfortunately my ability to perform, hire, and execute was completely frozen as well.

Feeds As Attack Delivery Systems

by philippej (via)
About "various forms of attacks based on Web feeds that follow the RSS, Atom and XML standards."

RSS最直接的应用在哪?: bruce's blog

by jackiege
是商业信息的订阅吗? 市场营销人员大多看好这样一种主动订阅信息的用户,依靠RSS,他们可以让真正感兴趣的目标人群订阅喜爱的商品信息等。

Namespaced Extensions in Feeds

by tehu & 4 others (via)
Dublin Core: 29.3% - XHTML: 15.7% - ITunes: 2.5% - CreativeCommons: 1.5% - FOAF: 0.11%

July 2006

Dave Johnson - Beyond Blogging

by tehu (via)
Présentation à TriXML 2006 - pdf

t3h blox0r

by gregR (via)
Aggrégateur (xul !! et PHP/MySql) en ligne. Passe en OSS

threshold state: Conventional RSS

by tehu
profil adopté sur textpattern et wordpress (?)

Rewarding 304s (Faster Feed Refreshing) : FeedLounge

by camel & 1 other
If a feed serves up 304 Not Modified HTTP response when there is nothing new (saving bandwidth on both ends and processing time for FeedLounge), FeedLounge could reward the subscribers of that feed by updating that feed more often.

Rewarding 304s (Faster Feed Refreshing) : FeedLounge

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
If a feed serves up 304 Not Modified HTTP response when there is nothing new (saving bandwidth on both ends and processing time for FeedLounge), FeedLounge could reward the subscribers of that feed by updating that feed more often.

Filter RSS feeds with Feed Rinse

by fredbird & 17 others
Feed Rinse is an easy to use tool that lets you automatically filter out syndicated content that you aren't interested in. It's like a spam filter for your RSS subscriptions.


by jackiege & 1 other
allows you to create one or more personal or business feeds

FeedCatch - RSS archiver by

by jackiege & 8 others (via)
1#RearchBuzz.catches the contents of a feed into one uberfeed that doesn't expire.set some limits on it - delete the oldest item if there are more than x items in the feed or delete the oldest item if it's more than x hours old . remove items after following their links.

June 2006


by canalsouk
opml rss syndication xml generator opml-generator


by fredbird & 45 others
Soyez le bienvenu sur Wikio, le moteur de recherche d'actualités dirigé par les internautes, c'est-à-dire par vous ! Wikio surveille, en temps réel, plusieurs dizaines de milliers de sources d'information, extrait quotidiennement plusieurs centaines de milliers de dépêches qui sont ensuite classifiées par thématiques puis archivées dans une base de données de plusieurs millions de documents.

RSS Readers

by fredbird & 1 other
The growing popularity of RSS feeds has resulted in an abundance of feed readers. The aim of this site is to provide information on quality RSS readers and keep you up to date with their new releases and features. Apart from desktop and online RSS feed readers, this site provides information on various RSS related tools such as feed services, rss tools, editors, etc. (things that are of interest to RSS publishers).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag syndication

*** +   **** +   aggregator +   agregation +   ajax +   atom +   blog +   blogs + +   delicious +   dev +   feed +   feeds +   firefox +   flux +   google +   jabber +   liens +   links +   linux +   news +   online +   openbcsxsw +   php +   ping +   planets +   podcast +   podcasting +   reader +   rss +   search +   service +   socialsoftware +   software +   technology +   tool +   tools +   web +   web-service +   web2.0 +   webapp +   webdesign +   webdev +   websites +   webtools +   windows +   wordpress +   xml +   xmpp +   xul +