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PUBLIC MARKS with tags symfony & plugins


Plugins | sfExtjs3Plugin | symfony | Web PHP Framework

by delavigne
This plugin makes it possible to write ExtJs 3.0 code in with symfony 1.2



symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfErrorHandlerPlugin | 1.0.4

by kasi77 & 1 other (via)
Aims to catch and deal with most, if not all, errors within Symfony

sfAdvancedConstPlugin - symfony - Trac

by kasi77
The sfAdvancedConstPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides app wide constants functionality. It automatically generates constant values based on sfRefTable values and make them accessible in every app module. It works the following way - go through the tables defined in sfRefTable and generate for each id / name pair from this table constants. This plugin is different from sfConst plugin which required to keep all the constants directly in sfConst table and did not require ref tables. Effectively, both plugins are usefull to be used. Installation



UserRbac - symfony - Trac

by kasi77
RBAC stands for Role Based Access Control. Its a system used to grant users certain privelages to areas or functionality of a website. In Symfony, it allows you to give groups of people access to modules, action, and even whether or not to execute code within actions or templates.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag symfony

aide +   document +   docx +   framework +   generation +   html +   odt +   php +   plugin +   slides +   template +   templates +   templating +   twig +   view +  

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last mark : 23/03/2011 17:49

Jeremy B.
last mark : 17/11/2009 21:13

last mark : 14/09/2009 10:23

last mark : 19/11/2008 06:34

last mark : 20/06/2007 13:08