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PUBLIC MARKS with tags symfony & framework

May 2008

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog » Yahoo! Answers powered by symfony

by nhoizey & 1 other
Yahoo! used symfony to redevelop another project. This time symfony was used as part of the foundation for Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is the largest collection of human knowledge on the Web with more than 135 million users and 515 million answers worl

April 2008

February 2008

January 2008

sfZendPlugin Alternative to Installing the Zend Framework | MirthLab

by mbertier & 1 other (via)
I often use the Zend Framework from within my Symfony applications and until recently, I’ve been using the sfZendPlugin to import and autoload the library. You’ll notice that this plugin has recently been axed leaving some people confused as to how to use the library in their projects.

symfony 1.1 form framework and the MVC pattern - Aide de Camp - Fabien Potencier

by Xavier Lacot
This post is not a tutorial on the new form framework, this is just an attempt to explain why the new system sticks to the MVC pattern.

December 2007

November 2007

August 2007

I Hear a Symfony: Rails vs. the Symfony PHP framework | townx

by mbertier
I wondered whether Symfony is good enough to recommend as an alternative to Rails for programmers who already know PHP. In short: it is.