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PUBLIC MARKS with tags symfony & framework

November 2008

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfErrorHandlerPlugin | 1.0.4

by kasi77 & 1 other (via)
Aims to catch and deal with most, if not all, errors within Symfony

Using the Zend Framework with Symfony 1.1 | MirthLab

by loneseb & 3 others
I’ve written about using the Zend Framework within Symfony before but things have changed a bit in Symfony 1.1 so I wanted to post an update with a new Symfony 1.1 compatible approach to loading and using the library from within Symfony. The biggest change that has happened since my previous article is that the sfZendFrameworkBridge has been removed from Symfony. This is actually a Good Thing since, as you’ll see in a moment, there is now a more elegant approach to loading external libraries.

October 2008

Using the Zend Framework with Symfony 1.1 | MirthLab

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
How to easily use Zend classes from within the Symfony framework

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | firesymfonyPlugin | 1.0.2

by Xavier Lacot
This plugin extends the web debug toolbar to send the debug information as a JSON object to the FireSymfony Firebug extension.

September 2008

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
My sfPropelActAsTaggable plugin finally found a fan on the Doctrine side...

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | symfony Camp 2008 - Day 1

by kasi77
After lunch, Dustin Whittle talked about the "Lessons learned at Yahoo" and Fabian Lange gave some tips on "symfony performance". That was enough for symfony. So, Jonathan Wage came on stage to talk about Doctrine.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | New in symfony 1.2: Customize the Web Debug Toolbar

by kasi77
The symfony web debug toolbar is one of the developer best friend. It is always conveniently accessible in the browser when using the development environment. It gives you everything you need to know about the current page and ease the debugging of your applications. Until now, all the information available in this toolbar were hardcoded. But as of symfony 1.2, the web debug toolbar is entirely configurable.

August 2008

July 2008

June 2008

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | The wait is over: symfony 1.1 released

by kasi77
As you may know, we have been working for a very long time on the next stable version of symfony. Now the day has come to celebrate the immediate availability of the long awaited 1.1 stable release of the symfony framework!

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog | The symfony 1.1 architecture

by kasi77
Before we release symfony 1.1 later this week, I want to give some information about the new symfony 1.1 architecture. Apart from the new exiting features we have in symfony 1.1, this version also represents a year of hard work to refactor the internals. Let's dig into symfony internals a bit!

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog |How to create an optimized version of your website for the iPhone in symfony 1.1

by kasi77
symfony 1.1 introduces native support for different formats and mime-types. This means that the same model and controller can have different templates based on the requested format. The default format is still HTML but symfony supports several other formats out of the box as defined in the factories.yml file

May 2008

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog »How do I use Propel 1.3 in symfony 1.1?

by kasi77 (via)
Starting with symfony 1.1, it is now possible to easily use Propel 1.3 in your project to take advantage of its speed improvements, nested set implementation, object instance pooling, among others. Most importantly, Propel 1.3 uses PDO instead of Creole as the DBAL, offering a significant performance boost. Un vrai argument en faveur de l'utilisation de Symfony 1.1

Livre blanc : frameworks php pour l’entreprise

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Forte d’une expérience éprouvée des frameworks PHP majeurs, Clever Age publie aujourd’hui un livre blanc au sujet des frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise.

Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise

by nhoizey & 2 others
Un livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort

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