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PUBLIC MARKS with tags sxsw & twittervision

April 2007

Austinite is most popular person on Twitter, says; as Imus furor continues, MSNBC drops show simulcast; fire destroys Johnny Cash's lakeside Tennessee home.

by springnet
Paul Terry Walhus, a local technology manager for Jo's Hot Coffee and the Hotel San José, was called the most popular person on Twitter in a story published Tuesday.

The allure of Twitter, the latest Web sensation. - By Michael Agger - Slate Magazine

by springnet
Paul Terry Walhus, an Austin coffee-shop blogger who has 8,789 friends and 1,722 followers, is currently the most popular person on the site.

mamamusings: why twitter matters

by springnet
What Twitter does, in a simple and brilliant way, is to merge -personal blogging, lightweight presence indicators, and IM status messages--into a fascinating blend of ephemerality and permanence, public and private.

Creating Passionate Users: Is Twitter TOO good?

by springnet
Twitter scares me. For all its popularity, I see at least three issues: 1) it's a near-perfect example of the psychological principle of intermittent variable reward, the key addictive element of slot machines.

The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Twitter Users » Slacker Manager

by springnet
It is so easy to “follow” someone in Twitter that many folks go a little bit overboard at first. If you can handle the firehose of twittering, go for it. Otherwise, don’t get wrapped up in the “more is better” trap.

Joi Ito's Web: Jaiku vs Twitter

by springnet
Twitter, is a bunch of Helsinki mobile jocks getting into the Web 2.0 of it all whereas Twitter is the Web 2.0 crowd "getting" co-presence.

Newbie's guide to Twitter | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone

by springnet
If you're not using Twitter yet, you may feel as if you've missed out. Twitter has not only tipped the tuna, but by some estimations, it has already jumped the shark

WPF Twitter Application - Alan Le's Blog

by springnet
WPF Twitter Application Here's a fun little Twitter WPF client application that I've been creating in my spare time. When I get a chance I'm going to blog more about it. In the meantime take a sneak peak. It's still very beta.


by springnet
Sideblog is an easy-to-use tool that makes it simple to create, attach and manage a small, separate blog on the side of your main blog. Sideblogs are commonly used for guestblogs, link lists, or short commentary that doesn't quite warrant a full entry.

AustinBlogger » Blog Archive » Out of the closet - twitter

by springnet
Omar Gallaga, Statesman blogger/writer and Rodolfo Gonzalez, photographer, caught up with me on South Congress last week and outed me as a twitter user in a story on twitter. Here I am posing for a picture above at Jo’s Coffee. He calls me “amiable

Twitter has the online world talking

by springnet
What's Paul Terry Walhus Twittering about today? The information technology manager for Jo's Hot Coffee and the Hotel San Jose is "walking around testing various wifi locations on S Congress, Austin L:78704," last we checked. Before that, he was "at hom

October 2006

AustinBlogger - Austin Blogging, Podcasting - music, tv, radio, sports

by springnet
In the coming weeks I’m going to be recapping my experiences at the Texas Book Festival. If you want a sneak preview, here are all my podcasts from that event. A note of warning, I haven’t compressed the videos yet and haven’t added intros to the po

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag sxsw

austin +   austinblogger +   austincast +   database +   mysql +   opensource +   oracle +   SearchEngine +   software +   springnet +   sql +   texas +   walhus +  

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last mark : 12/04/2007 20:38