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PUBLIC MARKS with tag svn

February 2009

MovingToDistutils - django-hotclub - the how and why of Pinax's move to distutils - Google Code

by greut

Until recently, Pinax had two choices for a given external dependency:

  1. use svn:externals and point to the external dependency's svn repository
  2. include the external dependency code in the Pinax codebase

However, there are problems with this approach:

  1. it largely relies on external dependencies being in svn and this is increasingly not the case (although it was when Pinax started)
  2. it makes it difficult for Pinax itself to move away from svn
  3. there is no management of dependencies between external dependencies, nor between particular projects in Pinax and their individual dependencies

To solve these problems and more, Pinax is switching to a distutils-based approach. This means:

  1. externals dependencies are encouraged to be released as distutil-compliant packages with a valid and put on PyPI
  2. development versions of dependencies can be pulled in in a variety of different ways including from git, hg or bzr repositories

svn:externals are evil

xinc - Google Code

by Jeremy B. & 2 others
Xinc is a continuous integration server written in PHP 5. It has built-in support for Subversion and Phing (and therefore PHPUnit), and can be easily extended to work with alternative version control or build tools.

January 2009

Updating Drupal using SVN Vendor Branches | IMAGEX MEDIA

by claire_
This tutorial will show you how to setup Drupal as vendor branch in your subversion repository. This will allow you to apply changes that are made between versions without losing or overwriting contributed modules or patches that you may have made to your install of Drupal

December 2008

Why Git is Better Than X

by Xavier Lacot
Scott tells why you should switch to Git instead of any other version management system.

ZigVersion |

by simon_bricolo & 4 others
Soft subversion pour Mac


by rike_ & 3 others (via)
I've searched the web quite a bit for a good log analysis tool for Subversion and didn't find any good project. Since we use Subversion where I work I wanted to see who made most commits, who changed how many lines and get some nice looking graphs that would show progress in the project. Then I realised that svn --xml -v log returns XML, which is really easy to parse.

Why Git is Better Than X

by RETFU & 1 other (via)
Another common Git workflow is where there is an integration manager—a single person who commits to the 'blessed' repository, and then a number of developers who clone from that repository, push to their own independent repositories and ask the integrator to pull in their changes. This is the type of development model you often see with open source or GitHub repositories.

InfoQ: Version Control for Multiple Agile Teams

by nhoizey & 1 other
If we have several agile development teams working on the same codebase, how do we minimize the risk of stumbling over each other? How do we ensure that there always is a clean, releasable version at the end of each iteration?

Installer un serveur Subversion et USVN (UserFriendly SVN) sur Debian 4.0 Etch — Lone-Wolf Scripts

by camel
Subversion (SVN de son petit nom) est un outil de gestion de version concurrentes (et un concurrent à CVS... comprenne qui pourra ;D). Il permet d'historiser les différentes évolutions du code source d'un logiciel, ainsi que de gérer les éventuels conflits entre les modifications effectuées par plusieurs développeurs. Tout seul ou en équipe, un tel outil devient vite indispensable pour gérer les sources. USVN quand à lui est une interface Web d'administration de Subversion. Elle autorise l'administration des utilisateurs, groupes, et projets de votre dépôt sans avoir à utiliser un outil d'administration en ligne de commande. Ce guide vous aide à effectuer une installation complète de Subversion et USVN sur Debian 4.0 Etch Avant de vous lancer dans l'installation Ce guide est beaucoup moins générique que mes guides habituels. Avant de le suivre, vous devez définir 2 nom de domaines: * (par exemple: : Le nom de domaine utilisé pour accéder à UserFriendly SVN. * (par exemple: : Le nom de domaine utilisé pour accéder à votre dépôt subversion. Ceci est du au fait que ce guide n'installe pas USVN de la façon la plus simple. En effet, je trouve qu'il y a plusieurs failles dans l'installation de base de USVN, et j'essaye de les éviter dans ce guide.

November 2008

HOWTO: Compile the latest ffmpeg and x264 from source - Ubuntu Forums

by camel & 1 other
ffmpeg is a versatile video tool used to encode and convert a multitude of video and audio formats. x264 is a library used to encode H264 video and creates excellent looking video usually superior to xvid and other popular codecs. x264 is used by Avidemux, GordianKnot, VLC Player, MEncoder, and Handbrake. Although ffmpeg and x264 are available in the Ubuntu repositories, you may need to compile from source. For example, the ffmpeg-user mailing list requires that you use the latest ffmpeg svn before asking for help. Since ffmpeg and x264 are updated frequently, you may also like to have the bleeding-edge for encoding videos. Also, ffmpeg in the Ubuntu repository may not support all of the codecs and formats that you may need

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