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PUBLIC MARKS with tag sql

07 September 2012 07:45

28 August 2012 12:15

17 April 2012 08:15

14 March 2012 10:00

21 February 2012 17:00

24 January 2012 10:15

lichtner/fluentpdo - GitHub

by keusta
simple and smart SQL query builder for PDO.

13 January 2012 10:45

12 January 2012 22:15

Faire face aux injections SQL

by astrochoupe
Les injections SQL font partie des vulnérabilités les plus courantes d'un site web. La 3e édition de l'ouvrage "Sécurité PHP 5 et MySQL" de Damien Seguy et Philippe Gamache revient en détails sur cet enjeu.

02 January 2012 21:00

06 November 2011 13:45

Cassandra 1.0 : la base de données NoSQL Open Source arrive à maturité

by astrochoupe
La première version stable du serveur de données a été annoncée par Apache. Au programme des dernières évolutions apportées : la compression des données et une amélioration de la performance globale.

28 July 2011 20:30

19 June 2011 07:45

21 May 2011 16:30

30 April 2011 22:45

soundex , phonex

by cloreen & 1 other
algorithme pour trouver des orthographes approchantes

21 April 2011 20:45

15 March 2011 13:00

HTSQL — a database query language for the accidental programmer

by srcmax & 1 other
HTSQL is a URI-based high-level query language for relational databases. HTSQL wraps your database with a web service layer, translating HTTP requests into SQL and returning results as HTML, JSON, etc. HTSQL is designed for someone who is not a SQL expert, but needs a usable, comprehensive query tool for data access and reporting.

15 March 2011 12:30

HTSQL — a database query language for the accidental programmer

by Krome & 1 other

HTSQL is a URI-based high-level query language for relational

databases. HTSQL wraps your database with a web service layer,

translating HTTP requests into SQL and returning results as

HTML, JSON, etc.

11 March 2011 23:30

SQLite Database Browser

by rmaltete & 2 others (via)
SQLite Database Browser is a freeware, public domain, open source visual tool used to create, design and edit database files compatible with SQLite. It is meant to be used for users and developers that want to create databases, edit and search data using a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, without the need to learn complicated SQL commands. Controls and wizards are available for users to: Create and compact database files Create, define, modify and delete tables Create, define and delete indexes Browse, edit, add and delete records Search records Import and export records as text Import and export tables from/to CSV files Import and export databases from/to SQL dump files Issue SQL queries and inspect the results Examine a log of all SQL commands issued by the applicatio

10 February 2011 19:45

31 December 2010 07:45

12 December 2010 11:00

30 November 2010 17:15

NoSQL - Wikipédia

by srcmax

NoSQL (« Not Only SQL ») est une technologie relative aux bases de données, qui a émergé à partir du printemps 2009. Le terme se réfère au stockage non relationnel de données en vue d'améliorer les bases de données dans une direction nécessitant une évolutivité horizontale. NoSQL tente de répondre à cette exigence.

25 November 2010 11:30

24 October 2010 11:15


by Spone (via)
SQLite is a popular DBMS, simple, robust, easy to use and really lightweight each SQLite database is simply a file; you can freely copy it, compress it, send it on a LAN or WEB with no complication at all They are also portables; the same database file will work on Windows, Linux, MacOs etc the SpatiaLite extension enables SQLite to support spatial data too [aka GEOMETRY], in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications

01 October 2010 16:30