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PUBLIC MARKS with tags springnet & twitter

19 April 2007

Twitter: More Than Messaging, It Can Generate Traffic

by springnet
If you break news or keep on twitting about cool stuff that others want to find out more about, then they are going to friend you.

18 April 2007

I love my new Mac (list of cool utilities from Twitter) « Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger

by springnet
I asked the 2500+ people following me on Twitter what their ideas were for me to load up and in just the first minute got dozens of suggestions. Here’s some of the first:

16 April 2007

Twitter: Use it Productively -

by springnet
First, let’s look at what makes Twitter different from, say, a blog or a chat room.

The Jeff Pulver Blog - Notes, comments and observations

by springnet
Anyone with a laptop (with a webcam) can visit and in less than five minutes get setup with your own channel, your own chat room and be live on the Internet.

Scripting News for 3/14/2007 « Scripting News Annex

by springnet
I was younger then, today I would do it differently. I have learned that these things take care of themselves. People who deliberately choose the low road have to live on that path. Their reward comes from karma, or god, fate or luck — whatever you call

How Twitter Could Become Useful To Businesses from Search Marketing Gurus | Search Marketing Tips, Advice, Strategies & Tactics From Internet Marketing Professionals

by springnet
Twitter me this, Twitter me that. Just what is Twitter and can this new phenom be useful in business? At first glance, one might think, this is just an annoyance that only "tweenagers" could tolerate enough to love.

Twitterlicious at Ejecutive

by springnet & 1 other
Twitterlicious is a Windows application that makes using Twitter easier. It takes heavy inspiration from Twitterrific for OS X, but now in a Windows client!

14 April 2007

13 April 2007

AustinBlogger » Blog Archive » Amber and Leo on Twitter and Jaiku

by springnet
What is the price of presence? Well you can have it simple and have twitter. It’s a no brainer to get up and running. You can tweet away instantly and give everyone of your followers updates. And you can follow your friends.

12 April 2007

Austinite is most popular person on Twitter, says; as Imus furor continues, MSNBC drops show simulcast; fire destroys Johnny Cash's lakeside Tennessee home.

by springnet
Paul Terry Walhus, a local technology manager for Jo's Hot Coffee and the Hotel San José, was called the most popular person on Twitter in a story published Tuesday.

11 April 2007

Twitterment::What are we twittering?

by springnet
laporte squares off against springnet on twitterment.... ok, that's cheating because Laporte left twitter.... today Slate calls springnet the most popular twitter


by springnet
jenka[at]thedolab[dot]com great social identity consulting blog

The allure of Twitter, the latest Web sensation. - By Michael Agger - Slate Magazine

by springnet
Paul Terry Walhus, an Austin coffee-shop blogger who has 8,789 friends and 1,722 followers, is currently the most popular person on the site.

10 April 2007

08 April 2007

O’Flaherty - » TWiT and Twitter! Good for each other?

by springnet
Not so smart! Sorry Leo, but I don’t think it’s the best idea to want to disassociate yourself with Twitter because the name is similar to TWiT.