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January 2008

Austin City Limits Festival

by springnet
Austin City Limits Festival Photo Gallery from the official site. Pictures by Paul Terry Walhus on

springnet Videos, springnet Music, springnet Photos on IMEEM

by springnet
I've installed 3 ubuntu servers in the past 3 days.  If you go to you can see some of the references I used in these installs.  I think ubuntu is great. What are your experiences with ubuntu?  How are y

springnet on imeem

by springnet
My page on imeem.... that goofy picture of me with the Longhorns hat the the grey wings was taken at SXSW by a nice lady at the imeem booth. Imeem is cool. Pioneering socialnet.

Talk Digger Search for: "springnet"

by springnet
IBM didn't see it coming, but Microsoft does. They are smart. That's why we're aligned with them. What is this perfect storm? What happened to IBM? - Upload, Enhance, Share

by springnet & 6 others
You can upload many videos at once, and in various formats, too (.mov .avi .wmv .mpeg). You also won't have to worry about file size — just keep any video you upload under 500 Mb.

December 2007

Web Worker Daily

by springnet
rebooting the workforce, daily tips on working on the web

Loic Le Meur Blog

by springnet & 3 others
Wew, that Seesmic review is a Christmas gift ! Thank you Bobbie Johnson to consider that Seesmic will be a hit website in 2008 even though we are still building it.

8 great digg-like social networks for designers in 2008 - web design news

by springnet
These sites are a fantastic starting point for any creative task and should be the first place to start when searching for a little quick and dirty inspiration (after you visit this site of course). | Austin High-Tech Online

by springnet
door64 is all about building an online community of high-tech professionals in Austin, Texas. We're just starting out, but growing each day.

November 2007

The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte

by springnet
I record almost all our shows from my small studio in Northern California. I'm using a mixer and a professional microphone, the rest of the participants are usually calling in via the Internet telephony program Skype

October 2007

austin 2.0

by springnet
Austin 2.0 joins people primarily in Austin, TX interested or involved in Web 2.0 technology, companies, or who simply enjoy the Web 2.0 lifestyle.

September 2007

Explore Twitter!

by springnet
Welcome! We needed a place to experiment and help folks get more out of Twitter. Motorola was cool enough to step up and help us launch Explore. If you haven’t yet, try interacting with Twitter through the devices featured below—and watch this space,

August 2007

austintexas - - Free live online video streaming and chat, and internet lifecasting

by springnet
Paul Terry Walhus and Red Bud Sports lifecast on called austintexas... life in Austin, Texas. music, fitness, cycling, swimming, film, tech, and more mashup of and

by springnet
live stream from Austin, Texas ... best times to view are 6 am to 8 am and 5 pm to 7 pm CST

May 2007

Web Strategy by Jeremiah » List of “White Label” (Applications you can Rebrand) Social Networking Platforms

by springnet & 1 other
Here’s a list of Social Networking platforms, or suites that you could take and rebrand. There are a dizzying number of these listed by my twitter friend Jeremiah Owyang

April 2007

Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog

by springnet & 29 others
social networking blog with news of the latest developments. Top notch site.

March 2007


by springnet
A New York Times article mentions me. One of the best-loved twitterers, Paul Terry Walhus, a gray-haired blogger from Austin, Tex., has 9,177 friends and 1,851 followers, according to the tracking site Twitterholic.

January 2007

OVGuide - Online Video Guide.

by springnet & 3 others
ONLINE VIDEO GUIDE ( ) If you've watched all of YouTube's hundred-million-and-counting videos and still have some time to spare, unglue your eyes from the computer monitor, get up, stretch, and then come back and check out this site. Online V

August 2006