public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags somethingbeautiful & inspiration

December 2008

On getting older

by blackgoldfish
"So today's the day I celebrate the accumulated days of the previous year that all add up to make me a whole year older. "

November 2008

Keep Believing

by blackgoldfish
Sometimes it takes a lot of rain before you get your rainbow. Don't give up, yours is coming. Keep believing.

October 2008

DIY project - wedding gifts

by blackgoldfish & 1 other
Hot Cocoa and Mashmallows Paper Bouquets Lip Balm Pockets Message Marbles

paper dome

by blackgoldfish
台灣首座紙教堂(Paper Dome)小檔案 ◎主體:以紙管圓柱支撐,紙管係來自日本阪神震災後的紀念建築,拆除來台重建 ◎數量:紙管圓柱共計有58根,每根直徑33公分、高5公尺、壁厚1.5公分,每根紙管可載重7噸 ◎外觀:帷幕牆、PVC薄膜屋頂、鋼筋水泥地基 ◎建坪:51坪 ◎造價:240萬元 資料來源:新故鄉文教基金會

September 2008

your message here

by blackgoldfish (via)
inspired by industrial letter signs, multi colored text, and everyday sayings... we made our own marquee sign out of wood. now the fun part begins, we want to collect your messages to post on the sign. we're not looking for insightful proverbs, but rather ordinary, simple sentiments. some of the great ideas: # You are loved. # you make my heart go boom boom boom. # I wish I was a dinosaur! # you're gonna make it after all

August 2008

Flowers of hope

by blackgoldfish
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do". - Helen Keller, Cancer

July 2008


by blackgoldfish
"This magic moment, So precious so rare, Like no other moment, The moment we share"

April 2008

my heart aches

by blackgoldfish
"do you have a memory from your childhood or your past that brings good tears to your heart? tears of aching happiness that swell your heart with passionate memories? my heart aches at the sound of a piano."

March 2008

taking a monthly photo of your child

by blackgoldfish
Kathy writes, "Each month of her first year I took a photo of my daughter on my Stendig calendar. At the end of the year I put all the photos in a Kolo 12 page paper album. It's an easy way to see her progress throughout the year. The only problem came when she started to crawl - getting a good photo became harder and harder."

LV ads: where will life take you?

by blackgoldfish
"What is a joutney? A journey is not a trip. It's not a vacation. It's a process. A Discovery. It's a process of self-discovery. A journey brings us face to face with ourselves. A journey shows us not only the world, but how we fit in it. Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person? The journey is life itself. Where will life take you?"

January 2008

【換你說】 夏夏 剪紙與詩 個展

by blackgoldfish

November 2007


by blackgoldfish
「在每天的生活中,圍繞著我們身邊的景物很多時都是令人玩味的,但大部分人都匆匆而過,視而不見,白白讓趣味從身旁溜走。羅瑞雲用她細緻的觀察力,走遍香港大街小巷,將平日普通不過的事物,以獨特的筆觸及手法,把它們生動地呈現於畫紙之上。 」

September 2007

speaking of books.

by blackgoldfish
"So they are in piles. Color Order piles, I might add."


by blackgoldfish
So today I decided to document my gratitudes - here is what I am thankful for today:

July 2007


by blackgoldfish

May 2007

April 2007

The 人 REN Building

by blackgoldfish (via)
"Copenhagen's Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) proposed this eye-catching design over a year ago to coincide with Shanghai's "Better City, Better Life" 2010 World Expo . The building takes its form from the Chinese character for person 人 (”ren”) and combines two buildings (one symbolic of mind and the other symbolic of body). We love the poetic inspiration that reflects both site and cultural sensitivity."