public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags social & socialsoftware

December 2005

November 2005

Introduction to Social Network Methods: Table of Contents

by bcpbcp & 3 others
Hanneman, Robert A. and Mark Riddle. 2005. Introduction to social network methods. Riverside, CA: University of California, Riverside ( published in digital form at )

October 2005

by postzavtra & 24 others
Photo sharing & more - Broadcast Your Photos To Friends


by pvk & 3 others
Plazes is a grassroot approach to location-aware interaction, using the local network you are connected to as location reference.

LinkedIn: Home

by pvk & 25 others
Social Networking or "Why you should get that job because you know X who knows Y ..."

Simpy - tagging, social bookmarking and personal search engine

by thauser & 51 others
''Simpy indexes your bookmarks and lets you search them. It eliminates the need to use bookmark folders (also known as categories) by using tags to create virtual, dynamic folders on the fly.''

Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review

by bcpbcp & 46 others
With the introduction of new social software applications such as blogs, wikis, newsfeeds, social networks, and bookmarking tools (the subject of this paper), the claim that Shelley Powers makes in a Burningbird blog entry [1] seems apposite: "This is the user's web now, which means it's my web and I can make the rules." Reinvention is revolution – it brings us always back to beginnings.

Outfoxed | Personalize your internet.

by bcpbcp & 19 others (via)
There are over 8 billion web pages. Most of them suck.Outfoxed uses your network of trusted friends and experts to help you find the good stuff and avoid the bad. (And a lot more, too.) Download Outfoxed now and join the beta test.

Ning | Home: Front Page

by bcpbcp & 99 others, 1 comment
Ning is a free online service (or, as we like to call it, a Playground) for building and using social applications.Social apps are web applications that enable anyone to match, transact, and communicate with other people.

September 2005

August 2005

by svartling & 4 others (via)
Welcome to, the World's First Social Social Tagging Site Tagging Site™. This is the place to come to tag all those other tagging sites. Why would you want to do that? Good thing you asked, because we were going to tell you anyway...

July 2005


by Hydragon
I-neighbors is a FREE, non-profit, advertising and SPAM free community! Unlike other websites that allow global, national, or city-wide communication, I-Neighbors links members of a single neighborhood, defined by the people that create them.

April 2005

by yeapku & 45 others
helps you discover the hot and fresh bookmarks from various SBM.

March 2005