public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags social & internet

September 2006

July 2006

Headshift :: smarter, simpler, social

by igwanna
Social software can generate powerful network effects from simple individual actions, helping create an 'architecture of participation' that links people together for a common purpose. Weblogs, wikis, social bookmarking and tagging (so-called Web 2.0 tools) have all emerged among geeks and early adopters in the wild, but their greatest transformational potential exists within companies and organisations.

June 2006

The importance of socialnetwork to its owner

by rsegoly
Interesting reading, I also read about complex network, and they claim we have today so much data, we can gather, we will never be abale to analyze properly Also funny, as from user point of view, I also feel that social networking still do not bring r

May 2006

by slogoo & 6 others
Gada.be最近对URL结构进行了调整, 以让内容更好地倍搜索引擎收录. 这款基于tag的搜索引擎受到了很多人的关注, 很快成了网民进行研究搜索的工具站点, 特别在图片搜索领域!

Notable Wordpress Plugin

by hchicha & 7 others
wp plugin pour mettre un lien sur chaque post vers les outils network favoris des visteurs

April 2006

Eurekster Swicki

by hchicha & 34 others
Vous recherchez un bon moteur de recherche pour votre blog, site oubien communauté. Vous l'avez à ce lien et il est 100% web2.0

March 2006