public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags social & collaboration

November 2005

Rallypoint - Online Collaboration

by gweb & 3 others
Create and share your web-based documents

Technosight Blog - Web2.0, Blogging, and Tech News

by macroron
“New Internet” technologies like blogs, RSS, and wikis can help you work efficiently and communicate effectively.

IBM Sets Its Sights on Social Networking Tools

by sachachua
By creating a centralized online resource where anyone in the company can contribute to the quandaries the firm said it not only finds answers faster, but also allows employees to find out who among them has experience on a particular topic, or which work

SWiK Home

by macroron
a project to document open-source software. SWiK features template-able wiki pages: SWiK Pages can act like blogs, or like lists of bookmarks, although by default they are just a simple page you can edit whichever way you want.

Synchro Edit Overview - Kwiki

by macroron
a browser-based multiuser editor. It allows multiple users to share a single X(HT)ML or text document, edit the document the same time, and synchronize changes so that all users have the same version.

Syncro Edit Home Page - Kwiki

by macroron
a browser-based multiuser editor. It allows multiple users to share a single X(HT)ML or text document, edit the document the same time, and synchronize changes so that all users have the same version.


by macroron & 2 others
the first global location-aware interaction and geo-information system, connecting you with the people and Plazes in your area and all over the world.

October 2005


by gweb & 5 others
Conversate lets you create instant online discussion spaces.

Gefilter Fish

by gweb
A Collaborative Event Planner

September 2005


by gweb & 1 other
捐献时间 - 社会性志愿服务网站

Writely - Home

by gweb & 124 others

July 2005

barnraiser - around me

by gweb & 8 others
THE free social networking and group collaboration platform available today!