public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags social & bookmarking

January 2007

Bamblog » 3Sat Kulturzeit zu Web 2.0

by bit2bit
Teil eines Beitrags zu sozialen Beziehungen und Networking im “neuen Internet” des Web 2.0 ...

December 2006

November 2006

ShareIt! - Let users bookmark you

by kkrizka
Button generator to allow your visitors add your site to social bookmarking sites.

October 2006

OnlyWire: The Only BookMarklet You'll Ever Need!

by springnet aggregates all the social bookmarking services like etc.

PlugIM - Your Internet Marketing Community (Beta)

by Dravis
A user driven internet marketing community where members can submit content, share articles, comment on projects and promote their favorites to the front page.

September 2006

Juz doesn’t give a … blog! » Il delizioso mondo di

by juzdongivaphuck
Sono entrato qualche giorno fa, rigorosamente in punta di piedi, nel mondo del social bookmarking ed ho iniziato a scoprire siti come e affini.

The Social Bookmarking Faceoff

by springnet & 9 others
The social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - and StumbleUpon. The rest of the pack, including Yahoo MyWeb, appears to be substantially behind. Will they catch up? In this post we attempt to answer that questio


by jasonbentley & 4 others
Social bookmarking mashup - browse several social bookmark sites at once

Make money in 2006

by sgtwalk
Web 2.0 Social Bookmarking / Wiki

July 2006