November 2006
October 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
Linux File Structure | SecGuru
by gregR (via)The Linux system contains thousand of files located within many directories. All directories are organized in a tree-structure like manner. For novice users the linux directory structure may seem unlogical and strange and they may have no idea where all the programs, icons, config files, and others are. However, all files are grouped according to purpose. Parts of a Unix directory tree are listed below. All directories are grouped under the root entry "/".
May 2006
March 2006
February 2006
Power Shell Usage: Bash Tips & Tricks
by garibaldi76 & 1 other (via)Tips for driving Bash better in everyday Linux use
January 2006
December 2005
Linux Base d'administration pour le superutilisateur - Exposé. Adaptation de Rute User's Tutoriel and Exposition de Paul Sheer.
by gregR & 1 other (via)Linux Base d'administration pour le superutilisateur - Exposé.
Adaptation de Rute User's Tutoriel and Exposition
de Paul Sheer.