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📛 SÉCURITÉ - - l'arnaque à la webcam piratée revient avec le confinement - Comment Ça Marche

by decembre est une plateforme en ligne mise en place par le groupement d'intérêt public (GIP) Acyma (Action contre la cybermalveillance), qui regroupe des membres tels que l'Afnic, l'UFC-Que Choisir, le Clusif, La Poste, Orange, Bouygues Telecom et Google – parmi d'autres acteurs – mais aussi plusieurs ministères. Son tôle principal consiste à informer les utilisateurs – particuliers comme professionnels ou associatifs – des dangers liés à l'usage du numérique en général et d'Internet en particulier. Outre son site Web sur lequel on trouve de précieux conseils pratiques, Cybermalveillance offre deux services téléphoniques : – Info Escroqueries, au 0 805 805 817 (appel gratuit) du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 00 à 18 h 30 (service du ministère de l’Intérieur). – Net Écoute, au 0 800 200 000 (appel gratuit), du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 00 à 19 h 00, ligne d’écoute nationale anonyme et confidentielle destinée aux internautes confrontés à des problèmes dans leurs usages numériques.


How can I check the password of the IUSR and IWAM local accounts on a machine?

by brianwaustin (via)
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Overview to the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide

by brianwaustin (via)
The Windows Server 2003 Security Guide provides specific recommendations about how to harden computers that run Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) in three distinct enterprise environments—one in which older operating systems such as Windows NT® 4.0 and Windows® 98 must be supported, one in which Windows 2000 is the earliest version of the Windows operating system in use, and one in which concern about security is so great that significant loss of client functionality and manageability is considered an acceptable tradeoff to achieve maximum security. These three environments are respectively referred to as the Legacy Client (LC), Enterprise Client (EC), and Specialized Security – Limited Functionality (SSLF) environments throughout this guide.


Permis a points

by Mario980 (via)
methode pour recuperer des points sur son permis de conduite


Hushmail - Free Email with Privacy - Login

by ycc2106 & 2 others
If security is your thing, you may want to give Hushmail a try. Hushmail encrypts all of your e-mails and automatically scans for viruses and SPAM. It’s free to sign up and get an account, but you can add lots of features to your account for a relatively low cost. You can even use Hushmail with your website to make sure e-mail is secure from any address you use. Hushmail also encrypts files when sending them through e-mail so you’ll never have to worry about someone discovering your data again.

isolatr beta

by ycc2106 & 11 others
For in case of overdose of spam?

Six Apart - TypeKey

by ycc2106 & 1 other
TypeKey is a free, open system providing you a central identity for posting comments on weblogs and logging into other websites.


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