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PUBLIC MARKS with tags serveur & linux

October 2007

Disable the mail alert by crontab command

by lecyborg & 1 other
Q. How do I to disable the mail alert send by crontab? When my job is executed and the jobs cannot run normally it will sent an email to root. Why do I receive e-mails to my root account from cron? How can I prevent this? A. crontab command is use to maintain crontab files for individual users.

September 2007

August 2007

DLFP: Sortie de Vulture 1.91

by delavigne & 2 others
ulture est un proxy inverse basé sur Apache permettant de protéger des applications web. En activant l'authentification sur Vulture cela permet de n'ouvrir les flux vers l'application qu'aux utilisateurs authentifiés. Si plusieurs applications utili

Configuring Apache for Maximum Performance | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by effraie & 5 others
Apache server performance can be improved by adding additional hardware resources such as RAM, faster CPU etc. But, most of the time, the same result can be achieved by custom configuration of the server.

lamp - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

by effraie & 3 others
Cette page traite de la procédure à suivre pour installer une solution LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) sous Ubuntu.

tutoriel:virtualhosts_avec_apache2 - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

by effraie
Le Serveur Web Apache2 est capable de gérer simultanément plusieurs arborescences Web grâce à la notion d'hôtes Virtuels (Virtual Hosts). Nous allons voir les différentes méthodes pour les mettre en place.

securiser_apache2 - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

by effraie
Cette page regroupe quelques manipulations qui vous permettront de sécuriser votre serveur LAMP.

July 2007

MySecureShell SFTP-Server

by lecyborg & 1 other
Vous recherchez un serveur ftp très sécurisé, facile à installer, à administrer et à configurer ? Alors MySecureShell est fait pour vous ! De plus, il est entièrement GRATUIT ! MySecureShell est basé sur OpenSSH ! Vous avez donc toute la sécurité très poussée de celui-ci PLUS des fonctionnalités complémentaires et très puissantes qu'offre notre logiciel ! Voici un aperçu des possibilitées de MySecureShell : - Contrôle de la bande passante. - Sécurisation de l'affichage des droits. - Administration du serveur en interface graphique. - Gestion de l'activité du serveur grâce aux logs. - Contrôle des utilisateurs par ip, groupes... Nous n'avons pas tout énuméré, mais pour plus d'information vous pouvez visiter la section Descriptif.

LabradorData : vpsinfo

by lecyborg & 1 other
vpsinfo is a Linux server monitoring script, written in PHP, that provides web access to system status information. It gathers the output from several common Linux commands into one web page, providing a quick overview of the system's current state.

Debian Administration Utilities

by lecyborg
These are the utilities i have collected and each utility is having man page which gives you more information about each utility.

Shell Commander

by lecyborg
Shell Commander is a PHP script, that allows remote execution of shell commands (like SSH client) through a web browser.

How to use FTP filesystem on Ubuntu using CurlFtpFS

by lecyborg
Some web hosting company do not offer shell access (SSH or Telnet) to your shared hosting account for security reasons, making it a bit harder for you to do regular file maintenance for your web account. Although the use of regular FTP client is adequate for most cases, some people still prefer to manipulate files directly using standard Unix tools (probably because of old habits). Fortunately, there’s CurlFtpFS which allow you to mount remote ftp account as a standard filesystem on your Linux operating system.

Warehouse — Subversion Browser

by lecyborg & 3 others
Never before has there been a web-based Subversion browser that is as beautiful as it is simple.

How-To: Monitor your servers with SNMP and Cacti

by camel & 1 other
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol for managing networks. Each managed entity in the network will run an snmp server (snmpd) which is going to collect datas from the server such as networking, load, cpu ... Cacti on the other hand is a frontend to the RRDTool with SNMP support. It collects and keep data in a MySQL database and display them through a PHP web frontend.

How-To: Monitor your servers with SNMP and Cacti

by lecyborg & 1 other
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol for managing networks. Each managed entity in the network will run an snmp server (snmpd) which is going to collect datas from the server such as networking, load, cpu ... Cacti on the other hand is a frontend to the RRDTool with SNMP support. It collects and keep data in a MySQL database and display them through a PHP web frontend.

June 2007

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag serveur

cloud +   faille sécu +   Meldown +   ordinatateur +   securité +   spectre +