public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags security & windows

September 2006

Vista's UAC Falls Short of Promises

by amanzi
"The main goal of User Account Control is to reduce the exposure and attack surface of the operating system by requiring that all users run in standard user mode..." It all sounds good, but there are two fundamental flaws with the way it has been implemented in Vista.

Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack and Hotfixes

by jmgautier
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack and Hotfixes Reference.

August 2006

by rike_ is a non-profit website dedicated for sharing the thoughts of its author in the area of computer systems and network security. joanna rutkowska

Microsoft® Windows® 惡意軟體移除工具 (KB890830)

by chunmin
本工具會檢查您的電腦是否有特定、常見的惡意軟體 (包括 Blaster、Sasser、Mydoom 等),並協助移除找到的惡意軟體。 Microsoft 將於每個月第二個星期二發行本工具的更新版本。

July 2006

Dan Kegel's Web Hostel

by fakechris
Speed, linux, programming resources

June 2006

Firewall Leak Tester

by chiunam & 4 others
RemoveWGA enables you to remove the Microsoft "Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications" tool