public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags script & web

June 2007

deconcept › SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script

by camel & 33 others
SWFObject is a small Javascript file used for embedding Adobe Flash content. The script can detect the Flash plug-in in all major web browsers (on Mac and PC) and is designed to make embedding Flash movies as easy as possible. It is also very search engine friendly, degrades gracefully, can be used in valid HTML and XHTML 1.0 documents*, and is forward compatible, so it should work for years to come. The Personal Website and Blog of Katherine Gallia

by hobbes & 1 other (via)
Time Sensitive CSS Switcher Changer le style d'un site suivant l'heure du jour

April 2007

Accueil - DotClear - DotClear 2

by Flavien G & 57 others
Le script de blog le meilleur du monde [en français !]. Avec Doctlear, il vous suffit d'un hébergement et d'une base de donnée et vous avez votre blog entièrement personnalisable !

Online zip - custom php script

by Jayant & 1 other
Online zip is very good php script that allows users to add files to a zip online and than it send the archive to and e-mail address, Must try it once.

March 2007

Effets javascript avec Prototype et Scriptaculous - Prendre un Café

by -Nicolas- & 8 others
On a vu fleurir moult trolls velus à propos du web 2.0 et sa débauche d'AJAX et de javaScript inaccessibles, je ne les nourrirrai pas ici. Par contre et pour ceux que ça intéresse, les librairies prototype et proposent des outils et effets très sympathiques. Voici quelques exemples très simples d'utilisation.


by nhoizey (via)
webarchiver is a simply utility that allows you to create safari webarchives (.webarchive) from the command line.

February 2007

EasyFormIt - Form Processor

by kirillo
EasyFormIt is a Web Form Builder and Form Processor. With this script you can create and manage any web forms. No programming skills needed.

January 2007

November 2006

Wapiti - Web application security auditor

by rike_ & 13 others
Wapiti allows you to audit the security of your web applications. It performs "black-box" scans, i.e. it does not study the source code of the application but will scans the webpages of the deployed webapp, looking for scripts and forms where it can inject data. Once it gets this list, Wapiti acts like a fuzzer, injecting payloads to see if a script is vulnerable. Wapiti can detect the following vulnerabilities : * File Handling Errors (Local and remote include/require, fopen, readfile...) * Database Injection (PHP/JSP/ASP SQL Injections and XPath Injections) * XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Injection * LDAP Injection * Command Execution detection (eval(), system(), passtru()...) * CRLF Injection (HTTP Response Splitting, session fixation...)

October 2006

September 2006

Tool Barre

by Video Clip & 7 others
Téléhargement d'une tool barre multi fonctions

Tool Barre

by CamChat & 7 others
Téléhargement d'une tool barre multi fonctions

Tool Barre

by Gratuit Technologie & 7 others
Téléhargement d'une tool barre multi fonctions

Tool Barre

by Radio-Music & 7 others
Téléhargement d'une tool barre multi fonctions

August 2006

July 2006

L'Editeur Javascript

by wordpress & 17 others
Une mine d'or pour la recherche de javascripts et autres scripts pour enrichir son site web

Ultimate free Javascript & Ajax smooth slideshow and showcase system

by jon1012 & 15 others (via)
Using moo.fx and prototype.lite.js, this opensource javascript slideshow system allows you to have a simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image slideshows and/or showcases on you website. All this in less than 18kb with all the dependencies !

June 2006

May 2006

Dynamic Drive DHTML(dynamic html) & JavaScript code library

by fox_b & 95 others
DHTML scriptを中心としたTipsとソース集 Welcome to Dynamic Drive, the #1 place on the net to obtain free, original DHTML & Javascripts to enhance your web site! Last updated April 24th, 06': New script(s)

April 2006