February 2006
Celestia: Home
by tinyirishdancer & 16 othersThe free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions. Celestia runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Apollo Moon Photos: a Hoax?
by tinyirishdancerFOX Television Network recently advanced the claim that NASA's Apollo Moon missions were a hoax largely due to alleged "anomalies" in Apollo photos.
Stellarium Astronomy Software
by andyparasite & 5 othersfree GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with openGL.
January 2006
歐洲出資建全球最大望遠鏡 揭宇宙形成奧秘 或選址貴州 - Yahoo! 新聞
by phgod「英國《獨立報》周一報道,歐洲已同意撥款資助興建全球最大天文射電望遠鏡的計劃,望遠鏡面積相當於200個足球場,可讓科學家首次觀察研究宇宙最早期「黑暗時代」、驗證宇宙大爆炸理論