public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags science & education

June 2006

May 2006

Diffusion des savoirs de l'École normale supérieure

by Riduidel & 7 others
Pour tous ceux qui voudraient accéder au top de l'éducation en France sans bouger de chez eux .. via JB

Q&A: Computer Science Looks for a Remake

by xaxxy
How can CS become an appealing career choice again?

April 2006

知識通訊評論 » 社論:打好基礎,再做實驗

by phgod

March 2006

State education board rejects challenge to evolution teaching

by jasontromm
The state Board of Education voted today to reject a challenge to how evolution is taught in South Carolina high schools. On an 11-6 vote, the state board upheld its previous evolution-only science curriculum for 10th grade biology. Last month, the state's Education Oversight Committee voted to add the phrase "critically analyze" to the evolution guidelines. [soap] Gee, that's really intelligent. Discouraging students from critical thinking. Guess, it's true. Public schools want mind-numbed little skulls full of mush. What's wrong with asking students to talk about the holes in Darwin's theories?

February 2006

The Celestia Motherlode: Home

by tinyirishdancer & 6 others
The Celestia Motherlode is a repository for various addons like textures, models or celestial objects for Celestia. Celestia is a free, interactive (real-time), 3D astronomy program.

Celestia: Home

by tinyirishdancer & 17 others
The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions. Celestia runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Apollo Moon Photos: a Hoax?

by tinyirishdancer
FOX Television Network recently advanced the claim that NASA's Apollo Moon missions were a hoax largely due to alleged "anomalies" in Apollo photos.

ScienceLab: Chemicals & Labratory Equipment

by tinyirishdancer & 1 other
ScienceLab is your scientific source for laboratory equipment, specialty chemicals and science educational products. Our wide range of products in chemicals and reagents, pH meters, laboratory scales, refractometers, microscopes, laboratory glassware and many other scientific supplies