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PUBLIC MARKS with tag rails



by Spone
Configure any server to run Ruby on Rails servers in minutes and without hassle.

Fae CMS | A Flexible, Open-Source, Ruby On Rails CMS Engine

by Spone
Like many Rails CMS engines, Fae delivers all the basics to get you up and running: authentication/authorization, a responsive UI, form helpers and workflows. But unlike other engines, Fae generates models, controllers, and views into your app that inherit from its core classes. That’s what enables Fae to work by default with almost no coding. And when it’s time to customize a single view or an entire section, it can be done in a way that will feel familiar to most Rails developers.

Forest - The Admin Interface your Application Deserves

by Spone
The Admin Interface your application deserves A universal admin interface designed to manage all your application data and business operations.


Why You Should Taste Grape – Glauco Custódio – Software engineering, open source, community and passion

by Spone
I know that Rails 5 with --api mode is around the corner. But I need to say you how awesome is to build APIs with Grape. I will show you why. What are the main features we expect from a good API? Parameter validation Parameter coercion Documentation Serialization Performance Versioning Authentication Testing The first four items are the ones in which Grape really shines for me. I am going through one at a time.

Trailblazer: A High-Level Architecture For The Web

by Spone (via)
Trailblazer gives you a high-level architecture for web applications. Logic that used to get violently pressed into MVC is restructured and decoupled from the Rails framework. New abstraction layers like operations, form objects, authorization policies, data twins and view models guide you towards a better architecture. By applying encapsulation and good OOP, Trailblazer maximizes reusability of components, gives you a more intuitive structure for growing applications and adds conventions and best practices on top of Rails' primitive MVC stack. A polymorphic architecture sitting between controller and persistence is designed to handle many different contexts and helps to minimize code to handle various user roles and edge cases.

Stubbing External Services in Rails - Semaphore

by Spone
Learn how to stub external services when testing your Ruby on Rails application.


A Recipe for Rails Continuous Integration |

by Spone
At its most basic, continuous integration (CI) is just a process that checks out the latest code commit and runs a script. What that script does is up to you. In this article I’ll share the script I use for my own Rails projects, and the reasoning behind it.

Gitlab CI Setup with Rails | Ultra High

by Spone
I had a few problems getting up and running with docker-based gitlab-ci builds, so here’s a description of my setup. I’m using (not self-hosted) and their hosted CI at BUT I am using private build runners on my own Ubuntu 14.04 server.

Announcing Administrate

by Spone
Administrate is a new open-source library that helps you create beautiful admin dashboards in Rails apps.


Introducing Payola | Pete Keen

by Spone
I released an open source Rails engine named Payola that you can drop into any application to have robust, reliable self-hosted Stripe payments up and running with just a little bit of fuss.

Revelry Labs | Making a Rails app without a database

by Spone
Occasionally, you may want to build a Rails app without ActiveRecord or a database. Your application might only store data using third party APIs, or might not have any persistent data at all. Since Rails optimizes for the most common case (a database-backed app), it refuses to start the server without a database connection by default.

Documentation Engine for Rails

by Spone
I wrote a Rails engine which provides applications with complete documentation library functionality by simplying adding a gem. Documentation is a Rails engine which provides a complete system for managing a set of hierarchical documentation. Once installed in an application, you'll have a complete user interface for viewing as well as editing a set of markdown pages.

How to integrate Sidekiq with ActiveJob - Ruby Journal

by Spone
One of the hot thing in Rails 4.2 is the brand new ActiveJob gem, this gem consolidate the API for background job gems on the market such as DelayedJob, Resque, etc. Today I am going to guide you through how to integrate Sidekiq with ActiveJob

Build forms with FormBuilder

by Spone
Forms are pretty much the heart of the web. Almost everything a user inputs is done through a form. So, when building forms in rails, you want to make the experience as easy for you as possible. I know there's gems out there that tries to make your life easier to build forms (formtastic, simple_form, etc.) but did you know about ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder? Let me take a simple signup form and show you how form builder can be used to easily customize a form.

Web Application Architecture

by Spone
I've spent some time thinking about how a web application should be architected. How should it look from a high level? How does the development cycle look? How does the deployment process look? I read a lot about how applications should be modular, and I agree with this, but in practice I've come to realize I don't know how a large application should look.

Hexagonal Architecture Guidelines for Rails - The Audacious Code Experiment

by Spone
Good application design is hard and there’s no one “right” way to do it. I often get asked the how I design decoupled applications and while there’s no easy answer I’m going to lay down the rules that have worked for me.

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last mark : 01/12/2014 08:34