public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags programming-languages & documentation

September 2005

Gwydion Dylan - for linux and freebsd

by macroron
an advanced dynamic object-oriented programming language - carnegie mellon university's gwydion dylan compiler

dylan programming language

by macroron
an object-oriented dynamic programming language. background information on the dylan language along with some tutorials: getting started with dylan - a few things about dylan

parrot faq

by macroron - new interpreter being designed from scratch to support the upcoming perl6 language.


by macroron
a small OS containing the Io programing language on top of the L4 microkernel. It runs the IoVM as a single server in kernel level, allowing direct hardware access and independence from having a full blown operating system and userland.

microlingua - an extended conceptual model for smalltalk

by macroron
a new dynamic object-oriented programming language. to be used in constrained resource environments with limited memory, processing power, and power consumption.

tutorials. - slate swiki

by macroron - a prototype-based object-oriented programming language based on self, clos, and smalltalk-80.

marvin faq

by macroron
a Self dialect which combines characteristics of Self programming language and Smalltalk-80.

Marvin a squeak clone

by macroron
a Self dialect which combines characteristics of Self programming language and Smalltalk-80.

August 2005

July 2005

GNU Smalltalk - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

by macroron
runs on linux? a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language which runs on most versions on Unix and, in general, everywhere you can find a POSIX-compliance library. An uncommon feature of it is that it is well-versed to scripting tasks and headless