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PUBLIC MARKS with tags programmation & web

December 2007

Rails Machine: Ruby on Rails hosting, services and commercial support: Home

by jpcaruana & 5 others
Rails Machine provides software, services and support for commercial Ruby on Rails application deployments.

The Spring series, Part 4: 1-2-3 messaging with Spring JMS

by jpcaruana
I introduce you to features of the Spring JMS (Java Message Service) framework. JMS defines a standard way for Java applications to create and exchange messages through a Message Oriented Middleware (MOM).

The Spring series, Part 3: Swing into Spring MVC

by jpcaruana
I introduce you to the Spring Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework. As in the previous articles, I use a banking example to show you how to model and build a simple application. The example application will encompass some of the techniques you've already learned -- such as dependency injection -- but will primarily demonstrate features of Spring MVC.

The Spring series, Part 2: When Hibernate meets Spring

by jpcaruana
Naveen Balani continues his Spring series with a how-to guide to integrating Hibernate transactions with Spring aspect-oriented programming (AOP). The result is a persistence framework you can count on.

The Spring series, Part 1: Introduction to the Spring framework

by jpcaruana (via)
Start to build lightweight, robust J2EE applications using Spring technology, with this first installment in a three-part introduction to the Spring framework. Regular developerWorks contributor Naveen Balani launches his three-part Spring series with an introduction to the Spring framework, including Spring aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and the Inversion of Control (IOC) container.

Get a better handle on Struts actions, with Spring

by jpcaruana
importing Struts applications into the Spring framework. Follow along as George shows you how to revamp Struts actions so they can be managed just like Spring beans. The result is a boosted web framework that easily reaps the benefits of Spring AOP.

November 2007


by jpcaruana
MyGWT is an open source Java library for the Google Web Toolkit. The library helps developers easily create compelling desktop like AJAX web applications. No messing around with HTML, CSS, or images, all MyGWT widgets look great out the box. MyGWT is 100% native, using no external JavaScript code or libraries. Taka a look at the Explorer Demo to see MyGWT in action. MyGWT is a sub project of Ext JS and is licensed under the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license.

Ruby France

by -Nicolas-
L’association loi 1901 RubyFrance a pour but de promouvoir la langage de programmation Ruby. L’association souhaite devenir l’interlocuteur privilégié des utilisateurs particuliers et professionnels en offrant une représentation francophone du langage Ruby.

October 2007

Architecture des S.I.

by cascamorto & 1 other
# Java (40) # Tutorial (37) # Ajax (24) # Eclipse (23) # JPA (18) # Echo2 (16) # ejb (16) # Web 2.0 (15) # GWT (11) # JBoss (11) # Service Web (11) # Axis2 (10) # Tomcat (10) # JUnit (8) # Mashup (8) # Javascript (7) # wsdl (6) # HsqDb (5) # Blogging (3) # SOA (3) # Dojo (2) # Flash (2) # Flex (2) # Microsoft (2) # Actionscript (1) # BPM (1) # Firefox (1) # ITIL (1) # JAX-WS (1) # Oracle (1) # REST (1) # wsdl2java (1)

Le meilleur des deux mondes : Prism - jy[B]log

by jpcaruana & 2 others (via)
WebRunner, ou plutôt maintenant Prism, est une application basée sur XulRunner, et qui sert à lancer, non pas des applications desktop comme XulRunner, mais des applications web. C'est donc un navigateur, comme Firefox, mais sans l'interface de Firefox, sans barre URL, sans barre d'outils etc.. Ce qui fait que lorsque vous lancez une application web avec Prism, cette application est dans sa propre fenêtre

Geek Speak: The Web Framework Hell

by jpcaruana (via)
Today, what does a developer do when they want to start a project from scratch? Do I go with JSF? Ruby on Rails? JRuby? Groovy on Rails? Struts 2? GWT? Flex?

Alsacréations Cours et tutoriels HTML, CSS et standards Web

by cascamorto & 44 others
Exercices de style avec (X)HTML et CSS Bienvenue sur le site des tutoriels Alsacréations, consacré aux Standards du Web et plus particulièrement aux feuilles de style CSS. nouveau sur le site ?Les styles CSS sont un complément du langage HTML (ou XHTML) prevu pour gérer toute la mise en forme de la page. Cela va de l'esthétique (couleurs, typographie) à la fonctionnalité (positionnement, structure, navigation). A travers de nombreux exemples pratiques et cas concrets, Alsacréations vous propose de découvrir toutes les possibilités offertes par ces feuilles de style. Si vous êtes nouveau ou perdu sur le site, n'hésitez pas à consulter le Plan du site, qui est un sommaire général de tous les articles présents.

Open Java Console :: Firefox Add-ons

by jpcaruana
Provides the ability to open the Java Console in Firefox.

gwt-ext - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other
GWT-Ext is a library that integrates Ext with GWT.