public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag program

March 2006


by muzica
Express Application Prototyping, Express Web Screen Development

February 2006

C Programming Lesssons for Beginners

by vurdlak
This website will provide you with lessons and quality material to learn basics of C language programming in just a few days. All you have to do is visit it here and then and read trough my lessons. You will notice I'm putting new lessons every day or two. It would be practical if you had Visual Studio installed on your computer and used it parallel to this lessons, but again it isn't neccessary... just follow and read theese lessons and examples, and you'll be on your way! Let's not waste time, here we go...

Senate plans no probe of NSA spy program -

by zboog
For now, the Senate Intelligence Committee won't investigate the Bush administration's domestic surveillance program, its chairman said.

UDPixel 2.1 -

by zboog & 6 others
This program helps to locate and fix LCD screens dead pixels. You can fix the stuck pixels by calling them to do rapid changes. You need to run this program for a couple of hours. There is no warranty on the result, but you don't really have anything to l

January 2006

Chocolate Gourmet Coffee

by dave76
Get everything you need on chocolate gourmet coffee

Thinking Machine 4

by kaihsyn & 9 others
西洋棋遊戲, 電腦會把跑過的步驟顯示出來, 超美~ 也很好看

Rock-It Launcher

by jackysee (via)

December 2005

Introduction to C Programming

by kaihsyn
by Rob Miles, Electronic Engineering

Batik SVG Toolkit

by thegiive
Apache XML parject SVG viewer

The Old Negro Space Program

by octolan (via)
Un film retraçant l'histoire des astronautes noirs lors de la ségrégation aux USA.

What Is The Secret? The Worldwide Television Event.

by CameraLibra & 9 others
Have you seen THE SECRET video? Have you discovered The Secret Scroll? Will you have a front row seat? Ask and it is given... A worldwide television event.

November 2005