public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag privacy

February 2014

January 2014

A Death in the Database : The New Yorker

by gregg
Then, unexpectedly, Ashley died. Less than a year later, last Thursday, her father received a promotional mailer from OfficeMax addressed to “Mike Seay/Daughter Killed in Car Crash/Or Current Business.”

December 2013

Managed bug bounty programs, better security testing | Bugcrowd

by gregg
Security testing with unparalleled coverage. 5,000 Testers means your app is thoroughly tested. Bugcrowd utilizes the expertise of our testers to provide a better security solution.

Social Share Privacy

by srcmax
More and more websites use like-buttons from Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. However, these buttons send information to these social networks even if the user doesn't click them, but even if they are just present on a webpage. This way these networks are able to track which websites users are visiting and are able to build fairly complete browser histories of their users. Because this is neither what a user might expect nor what many website operators that embed like-buttons want, this alternative way of using these social services was developed.

Téléchargez Cookieviz - CNIL - Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés

by gregg
On connaissait l'extension Ligtbeam - anciennement Collusion - proposée par Mozilla pour le navigateur Firefox et qui permet de " pister les pisteurs du Web ". La Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés y va de sa pierre à l'édifice en proposant CookieViz qui se focalise sur les cookies.

What You Look Like to a Social Network

by sbrothier
This infographic allows you to explore the categories of information that various social networks make available to other applications. If you log in to a Web site with your Twitter account, this is what Twitter sends about you to the site. If you play Farmville on Facebook, this is what is sent to Farmville. Those applications, in turn, often give data about your activities back to the social network. These exchanges of information take place through what’s known as an application programming interface, or an A.P.I. Read more here. (To use the infographic, click to zoom in and see specific fields; click on the black bar to zoom back out.)

MyPermissions - Scan your permissions... Find out who gained access to your personal info.

by gregg & 2 others
PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION ONLINE Do you know how many apps access your Personal Information Online?

Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.

by sbrothier
Fake Identity Generator Generate a fake name, address, date of birth, username, password and biography.

November 2013

by gregg & 1 other
They make money from your data. Why shouldn't you? Get Started

by gregg
Welcome to is the place where you can see just how much information your browser reveals about you and your system.

Comment Contourner La Censure Sur Internet

by sbrothier
Parce que nous croyons profondément que la censure de l'Internet est non seulement contraire au principe même de l'Internet, à savoir de permettre à ses utilisateurs de communiquer les informations qu'ils désirent aux interlocuteurs qu'ils choisissent, mais aussi contraire au droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression, [...] qui implique le droit de ne pas être inquiété pour ses opinions et celui de chercher, de recevoir et de répandre, sans considérations de frontières, les informations et les idées par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit (DUDH, Article 19), nous vous proposons "Comment contourner la censure sur Internet".

Security In A Box | Tools and tactics for your digital security

by sbrothier
ecurity in-a-box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line. It was created to meet the digital security and privacy needs of advocates and human rights defenders. Security in-a-box includes a How-to Booklet, which addresses a number of important digital security issues. It also provides a collection of Hands-on Guides, each of which includes a particular freeware or open source software tool, as well as instructions on how you can use that tool to secure your computer, protect your information or maintain the privacy of your Internet communication.

Mullah Piaz

by sbrothier
In March 2010, Hojjatollah Behrouz, managing director of the Tehran Traffic Control Company, was quoted as saying that 550 cameras are now watching the streets and, in the course of a five-year plan, their number should hit 1,400 in order to cover the whole city. The so called "Smart Systems" include special cameras monitoring traffic restricted zones, visual control cameras, and multipurpose billboards.

Dave Eggers made me quit Twitter -

by sbrothier
Now that I’m back on social media, I’m realizing that the answer isn’t necessarily to deprive yourself. It’s better to find a balance and not think of your life as existing in 140 characters or status updates.

NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say - The Washington Post

by sbrothier
The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials.

How To Remove Your Personal Information From Background Check Websites

by sbrothier
After our social media background check, are you afraid of what a future employer may find out about you? Rest easy as we have some tips to help you remove your personal information from more than a dozen online background check websites.

How to Erase Yourself From the Internet

by sbrothier (via)
If your growing weariness of being constantly tethered to the internet has become overwhelming, it might be time to scrub yourself from the social media sphere altogether. Here's how you can become a ghost on the Internet, by tracking down and eliminating your digital past.

Privacy Icons: Alpha Release « Aza on Design

by sbrothier
Earlier this year, Mozilla convened a privacy workshop that brought together some of the world’s leading thinkers in online privacy. People from the FTC to the EFF were there to answer the question: What attributes of privacy policies and terms of service should people care about? This lead to a proposal presented for the W3C, among other places, which further refined the notion.

Digital religions: MozFest and the "let's make it" paradigm - Interactive Factual

by sbrothier
I think I know now why it took me three years to feel at ease at Mozfest. It is not because I am not a coder, it is because it exemplifies a paradigm shift. The fundamental attitude in an academic conference is “sit and listen”, while the one at MozFest is “move and make”. The first approach to learning is theoretical and  slow pasted – it takes a long time to un-tackle a complex concept with words – the other is quick and practical – prototype lots and a few good ideas will survive. The first is secretive and copyright based (don’t distribute the paper until it is published with your name) and the other is public and copyleft based (write the notes of the session together and them make them available to all through the web).


by sbrothier & 1 other
Le reflet n’existe pas sans le modèle originel. fait le pari de devenir le reflet d’une société, des individus qui la composent. De leurs interrogations, de leurs inquiétudes, mais surtout, de leurs espoirs. Des espoirs de démocratie, de partage, de solidarité, de bien-être et de tant d’autres choses. est le point de rencontre entre des journalistes, des hackers et ceux qui se sentiront concernés par notre démarche.

Online Privacy | Abine

by sbrothier
privacy news / data protection

Watch Dogs: Invasion_ | Polygon

by gregg & 1 other
Polygon's investigation of the surveillance technology being used by the real city of Chicago shows a truth uncomfortably close to the fiction.

Surveiller les algorithmes | InternetActu

by gregg
De plus en plus souvent, des algorithmes décident de notre rapport au monde. Que ce soit pour nous mettre en relation avec d'autres sur des sites de rencontres ou pour estimer notre capacité de crédit, pour nous diriger dans la ville via nos GPS voir même pour nous autoriser à retirer de l'argent à un distributeur automatique..