public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags portfolio & photography

August 2006

Portfolio d'Antoine Le grand sur la galerie de vente Wanted Paris

by malco
Portraitiste de célébrités, Antoine Le Grand se métamorphose volontiers en metteur en scène, poussant ses sujets jusqu'aux frontières du jeu de rôle, créant pour eux des atmosphères de films noirs, des costumes imprévus, des postures extrêmes, parodiques voire extatiques.

Portfolio de Kimiko Yoshida, artiste photographe

by malco
Les autoportraits de Kimiko Yoshida subliment une enfance marquée par l'abandon et l'errance. Ses travestissements se nourrissent de fantasmes, de souvenirs, de rêves et de légendes...

Arild Danielsen

by oqdbpo
Arild is a creative artist with photography as main interest. At an age of fifteen, a young mind already knew the photographic camera and his eye for cropping the world would be the future for him. Now, Arild (born June, 1985) is on his way to realize the once so promising attainment. - Mick Gow's online portfolio

by oqdbpo
Flexibility and range is what powers my process. My 10 years industry experience includes all steps of the interactive process from Graphic/Interactive Design to Flash Design and Development, to Creative Direction and freelance Project Management/Consulting. I now work best directing, using and sharing these skills with all members of my team.

July 2006

Wanted Paris ... passeurs d'images

by malco & 2 others
Wanted Paris est la première galerie de vente de photos d'art sur Internet. Accédez à la photographie contemporaine, à des prix intéressants, sans faire de concession sur la qualité.

Naughty James - /photography

by sbrothier
Fast forward to a time much more recent, when I came upon the portfolio of a certain Naughty James, also known by his mother as Craig Cowling, and lo and behold I had found the photographer. I had found the guilty party, and now I bring him to you…

June 2006

May 2006