public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags politics & literature


Walden ou la vie dans les bois - Wikisource

by sbrothier & 1 other

L’opinion publique est un faible tyran comparé à nos propres opinions privées. Ce qu’un homme pense de lui-même, voilà ce qui détermine, ou plutôt montre, son destin.

L'Encyclopédie de L'Agora: Henry David Thoreau

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
"Si Thoreau est à sa manière un ermite-vagabond, sa démarche apparaît avant tout fondée sur un constat d’ordre social : celui de la servilité d’un genre de vie centré sur le travail et un économisme utilitaire désenchanteur de monde. Gagner sa vie en échinant son existence. Thoreau l’ascète réhabilite quant à lui le principe d’une joie contemplative, liée à un usage poétique de l’espace.


Ernst Jünger: On Danger

by runen
Ernst Jünger essay "On Danger", From New German Critique Spring/Summer 1993, Issue 59.


Boston Review

by jlesage & 1 other
left political and literary review, good writing

Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society

by jlesage
very large bibliography on Critical Whiteness Studies, broken down into various categories; not interactive and does not lead to full text essays; worth going to the library to follow up on


by jlesage
journal of arts and culture in social context; theoretical essays; international in scope

Carnival of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

by jlesage
accumulation of blog entries on important postcolonial theorist

Long Sunday

by jlesage
culture and theory blog with a progressive politics; well written

George Orwell - Eric Arthur Blair. Novels. Essays. Articles. Reviews. Biography. Bibliography.

by rike_
‘Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’

identity theory | literature

by jlesage
extensive site that focuses on literature, culture, social justice; offbeat and interesting structure make it an appealing site

Welcome to Wyomodibo

by etm157
A fine city. Home to art, poetic photography and graphic work, love and that. A new view on the world.

freiheit gleichheit brüderlichkeit

by rike_
blog : politik, litteratur auf deutsch

Welcome to Esoterica: The Journal

by jdrsantos & 1 other
A peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the transdisciplinary study of Western esotericism: Western esoteric traditions including alchemy, astrology, Gnosticism, gnosis, magic, mysticism, Rosicrucianism, and secret societies, and their ramifications in art history, history, literature, and politics.


3quarksdaily: Links

by macroron
Science, Art, Architecture, Literature, Philosophy, Politics

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