public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags politics & law

March 2006

LII's Focus on Impeachment

by digitalmonkey
"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". --U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 4

January 2006

New England Liberals Lead Charge Against Alito

by jasontromm
Liberal Democrats waged an eleventh-hour attempt Monday to block Samuel Alito's Supreme Court confirmation, arguing that he would tilt the high court further to the right.

明報:放人檢控看證據  豈容壓力損法治

by phgod

成報:韓農案皆大歡喜 濫求情影響司法

by phgod

December 2005

Assemblée nationale - DADVSI - AMENDEMENT N° 154 - identique au 153 (Adopté !!! :-)

by digitalmonkey
"Cette écriture confère, sans équivoque possible, le bénéfice de l'exception pour copie privée aux copies réalisées par téléchargement sur les services de communication en ligne aux personnes physiques qui se sont acquittées de la rémunératio

Assemblée nationale - DADVSI - AMENDEMENT N° 153 présenté par M. Suguenot (Adopté !!! :-)

by digitalmonkey
"« I. - Le 2° de l'article L. 122-5 du code de la propriété intellectuelle est complété par une phrase ainsi rédigée : « De même, l'auteur ne peut interdire les reproductions effectuées sur tout support à partir d'un service de communication..

October 2005

NCL NEWS: Consumer Group Raises Copyright, Censorship Concerns about Google Print Library, Calls for Public Hearings

by digitalmonkey
"In a letter to the chairmen of the House and Senate Judiciary subcommittees overseeing intellectual property issues, [NCL] raised concerns about a forthcoming ambitious effort to catalogue the entire collections of four major American libraries".

Liberals Propose Stronger Wiretapping Laws

by teleclick
Sources indicate that the government of Canada is pushing the telecommunications industry to integrate a higher level of wiretapping technology into their networks, allowing for round-the-clock surveillance of all telephone and (for the first time) email use of up to 8,000 people at once.

September 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag politics

9/11 +   america +   argument +   conservative +   conspiracy +   debunk +   empire +   fromDel +   global +   hatetalk +   history +   marksteyn +   neocon +   online +   opinion +   steyn +   thinktank +   toread +   usa +   wingnuts +