May 2008
Codage informatique des couleurs - Wikipédia
by sylvainulg & 1 other (via)à imprimer en couleurs ^_^
April 2008
Sonic Advance
by sylvainulgokay, so it looks "my" wasp comes from Sonic Advance... It's named "stinger"
KA_bb3.gif (GIF Image, 917x734 pixels)
by sylvainulg (via)a deconstruction of Kirby's Butter Building, and how we could cheat the player into thinking we're rotating a building on 2D hardware by a rotation of the tileset ^_^
March 2008
Bilou HomeBrew's Blog: modplayer
by sylvainulgI'm starting a serie of articles on extending 0xtob's XM module player on the nintendo DS with more effects.
Une petite série d'articles où j'ajoute le support de différents effets (portamento, vibrato, tempo/speed, etc.) à la bibliothèque libntxm sur nintendo DS
December 2007
November 2007
Sonic World :: Media Center :: Sprite Archive :: Sonic
by sylvainulgin case you want to compare them ...
nes_refinery.gif (GIF Image, 256x224 pixels)
by sylvainulgAdamAtomic working on a "refinery" level (a shooter/inflitration game would look great over there, imho)
October 2007
Tom Filhol - Pixel Portfolio
by sylvainulg (via)le créateur du "lapin" psychopate à la superfrog ...
Quick Mockup: Ice Dungeon (new level added: temple)
by sylvainulgif by any chance it gets updated :P
August 2007
Make him jump (formerly "Four Races" thread)
by sylvainulgguy describe his process of making a pixel-character jump
July 2007
June 2007
April 2007
NintendoWorldReport - Screens: Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
by sylvainulg (via)des screenshots de bonne qualité ...