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Flickr Store - ZZZ

by nhoizey
"Dans cette série d’articles nous allons écrire en PHP un utilitaire pour exploiter le site Flickr en ligne de commande. Il devra permettre notamment d’utiliser Flickr comme sauvegarde de toutes les photos disponibles sur notre ordinateur."


Mollify |

by simon_bricolo
open source web-based file manager, built with PHP & GWT, that can control files hosted in a web server or hosting account


PHP 5.3 : fileinfo : obtenir des informations sur des fichiers - Pascal MARTIN (n 1).zéro

by damdec
Jusqu’à présent, nous utilisions mime_magic pour déterminer le type de données contenues dans un fichier… Par exemple, pour vérifier lors d’un upload de fichier que le fichier envoyé par l’utilisateur correspondait bien au type que l’on attendait (sur un site de partage de photos, on vérifierait que le type mime est de la forme image/*, par exemple).

XtraFile » XtraUpload v2

by camel & 2 others
Written in PHP using the CodeIgniter Framework, XtraUpload has all the features you would expect from a file Hosting Script. Free users as well as premium users have the ability to upload files but premium users get a lot more features such as viewing files, instantly downloading files and getting the URL’s of the files they have uploaded. You can also specify the file types, sizes along with many other options. Each user must provide a valid email address when they sign up for premium as the script automatically sends the username and password to them upon reception of payment through PayPal IPN. File Hosting websites brings in large revenues and is a very easy system to setup thanks to XtraUpload.

PHP File Upload Configuration

by camel
Though PHP presents a very versatile and user friendly interface for handling file uploads, the default installation is not geared for working with files in excess of 2 Mega Bytes. This article will help you configure your PHP engine for handling such large file transfers.

Monitoring File Uploads using Ajax and PHP - PHP articles and tutorials, MySQL, PostgreSQL

by camel & 1 other
Because of the limitations of HTTP, it is difficult to monitor the status of files as they are uploaded via HTML forms. While other programming languages have built-in methods to monitor file uploads, PHP does not. This article shows how to implement such a solution in PHP. In order to achieve this, the APC (Alternative PHP Cache) PHP extension is required, as well as PHP 5. Specifically, APC 3.0.13 or newer and PHP 5.2 or newer are required for the code in this article to work. We will cover installation of APC in the next section. It is assumed you already have a working PHP 5.2 installation.


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