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PUBLIC MARKS with tags php & groupe:clever-age

July 2007

Xdebug 2 released - Derick Rethans

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
After almost four years of work, Xdebug 2 is finally ready. With improved functionality and many new features it is ready to totally change the way you develop in PHP.... Nothing less ? :)

Dan Grossman : Handling UTF-8 in JavaScript, PHP, and Non-UTF8 Databases

by nhoizey
Dealing with characters outside the ASCII range on the web is tough, since text needs to move through so many places without being mangled, from user input, through JavaScript, into and out of PHP and string manipulation functions, into and out of db

®¤©: documents: php and unicode

by nhoizey
Some would say PHP has little or no Unicode support, and they'd be right. But I refer you back to the first item on our absolute minimum list. It's all just integers, and PHP has plenty of support for integers, so we can work around this problem.

June 2007 : portail PHP et MySQL - Ext/elephpant : la boule de poils PHP

by kasi77
Ladies and gentleman, en avant-première, voici l'éléphant PHP devenu une peluche!

symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Is symfony too slow for real-world usage?

by kasi77
Let’s finish by saying that in most cases, symfony does not compete with RoR or Django. The choice is often between symfony, .Net and Java Struts, because these are the real alternatives for professional developments.

May 2007

Amazon Web Services Developer Connection : Test Utility for Amazon SQS in PHP

by nhoizey
This is a simple PHP 5 application demonstrating the basics of how to interact with Amazon SQS

April 2007

symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Symfony forge beta is out

by kasi77
Thanks to the work of Jonathan Wage, the Symfony Forge is up for beta. From the home page of the site: Symfony-forge is a site dedicated to symfony plugins, software, and the community symfony users/developers. Here you will find complete API documentation for all plugins, a growing database of plugins to work with, and other misc. tools to help organize and guide the plugin development for symfony.

Viewing PHP Scripts (351) - Evil Walrus, semantic PHP

by kasi77 & 1 other
PHP code snippets and articles, all user-contributed, tagged and searchable

February 2007

APAC Hoster Evangelist : At last, Windows-optimized PHP 5.2.1 has been released!

by nhoizey (via)
This release contains many fixes Zend has contributed to improve the performance of the PHP scripting engine on Windows as part of our collaboration effort to make PHP rock on Windows / IIS.

PHP.NET pour Visual Studio .NET avec Phalanger - PHP Language Compiler for .NET Framework -

by kasi77 & 1 other
The Phalanger is a complex solution giving web-application developers the ability to benefit from both the ease-of-use and effectiveness of the PHP language and the power and richness of the .NET platform. (article en Français)

Debugging PHP With Firebug

by nhoizey & 1 other
Logging PHP and JavaScript errors to same window makes debugging easier

mailhook - DevjaVu

by nhoizey & 1 other
Using Mailhook, you can receive email directly into your scripts and applications as easy as handling a form post. This means that you have no excuse to not have an email interface to your application.

January 2007

November 2006

ImprovedSource - PHP v5.2 vs PHP v5.1

by kasi77 (via)
PHP 5.2.0 wins out on 3 out of 10 test. Particularly the reading of GLOBALS is faster. PHP 5.1.6 wins on 6 test though.

Frameworks PHP : Symfony, inachevé ? - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by nhoizey & 10 others, 1 comment
Notre objectif n’est pas de faire la critique absolue de Symfony, mais bien plutôt de mettre le doigt "là où ça fait mal", afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de ce formidable outil qui arrive très bientôt en 1.0 ! Et vérifier un vieil adage, par la même occasion : "qui aime bien châtie bien" !

July 2006

Five common PHP design patterns

by nhoizey & 6 others (via)
Design patterns are just for Java™ architects -- at least that's what you may have been led to believe. In fact, design patterns are useful for everyone. If these tools aren't exclusive to architecture astronauts, what are they, and why are they useful in PHP applications? This article explains.

Main Page - Patterns For PHP

by nhoizey & 1 other
Patterns for PHP is a repository of Design Patterns implemented specifically for PHP. Tired of seeing Java implementations? Just want to see what Patterns are all about? Then come on in, browse, and if you wish, contribute to the growing number of Design Patterns with PHP centric descriptions and examples.

SOA : IBM ouvre WebSphere Application Server à PHP - Actualités Middleware - Le Monde Informatique

by nhoizey
D'ici à la fin du mois, IBM mettra à disposition des développeurs un kit d'intégration PHP pour son serveur d'applications Websphere Application Server (WAS) Community Edition. Cet ajout permettra d'utiliser conjointement PHP et Java afin de déployer des applications plus dynamiques. IBM pense notamment aux applications de type Web 2.0 qui pourront être réalisées plus rapidement.

activeCollab - open source project management and collaboration tool.

by nhoizey & 54 others, 2 comments
activeCollab est une alternative logiciel libre (très ressemblante) à Basecamp (de 37signals), c'est à dire un outil de gestion de projet simple, avec gestion de « milestones » et tâches associées, de documents, de messages... vont-ils se faire taper dessus par 37signals???

June 2006

Installer le framework PHP Symfony sur Ubuntu Dapper Drake - Prendre un Café

by nhoizey & 5 others (via)
A l'instar de RoR, Symfony est basé sur le motif de conception MVC et utilise une couche d'abstraction d'accès aux données et d'implémentation AJAX. Il est développé en PHP5 par une équipe française, cocorico ! Voyons ensemble comment installer la bête sur une Ubuntu Dapper Drake toute fraîche.

Chez Xavier - Votre blog sous Symfony, pas à pas

by nhoizey & 10 others (via)
Cet article s'adresse aux développeurs Web disposant des connaissances basiques en PHP, gestion de bases de données, et plus généralement d'une culture en développement Web. Il présente les différentes étapes nécessaires à la construction d'un blog à l'aide du Framework Symfony.

Le séminaire PHP - 19 juin 2006 - Initiative ADELE "Projets informatiques" - IT06 - Développement informatique - Synergies, les ressources d’Adèle

by nhoizey (via)
Quelle peut être la place de la filière technologique php pour les développements informatiques de l’Administration ? C’est à cette question que ce séminaire tentera d’apporter des éléments de réponse à l’heure où l’offre des éditeurs est devenue mature et où des services de l’Administration se lancent dans l’industrialisation de cette filière. Les intervenants du monde industriel, de l’édition logicielle et de l’Administration exposeront des sujets tels que le positionnement de php dans leur stratégie, l’utilisation de php pour les sites grands publics, les applications métiers, les postes clients.

Christopher Jones on OPAL :

by nhoizey (via)
Just starting out with PHP database development, or unsure how to install PHP and Oracle? This full-length guide (PDF format) includes everything you need to know (and more)

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