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PUBLIC MARKS with tags photography & books



by sbrothier
There’s a small but vibrant cottage industry of Muslim women writing romance novels, littattafan soyayya, in Northern Nigeria, a region best known for the acts of terrorist group Boko Haram. The writers face off with Islamic censors, and they sell their books in some of the same markets targeted by Boko Haram suicide bombers.  The books are about love and marriage. Some are subversive and speak out against human trafficking and child marriage, while others are submissive, advising women on how best to please their husbands, offering fantasies of escape, and tales of the poor girl marrying the rich man.   Guided by the themes of these novels, “Diagram of the Heart” explores romance, tradition, love and loss in the lives of women in Northern Nigeria.    "Diagram of the Heart" will be released as a photo book on February 11, 2016, published by Red Hook Editions. You can pre-order a copy now and read more about it here.                       

Henry Carroll - Books

by sbrothier
The second book in the 'Read This' series is specifically about photographing people.  Split into seven sections - Composition, Context, The Gaze, Control, The Street, Black and White or Colour and The Psychology of Light -  this book covers all aspects of photographing people. Photographers include Richard Avedon, Cindy Sherman, Zed Nelson, Robert Bergman, Roger Ballen, Duane Michals, William Eggleston, Jeff Wall, Richard Renaldi, August Sander, Garry Winogrand and others. Available in all your favourite languages, as long as that's either English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Portuguese or Spanish.



Autopsie - Bruno Mouron | Éditions de La Martinière

by sbrothier
Dans un article du Monde, un professeur d’université en sociologie a exposé son étude consacrée à l’analyse des poubelles pour appréhender la consommation et les comportements sociaux. Bruno Mouron et Pascal Rostain, paparazzi de profession, ont décidé de « faire les poubelles » de leurs clients habituels, les célébrités. Et ce qui fut au départ un gag de presse est vite devenu une réflexion plastique.

MACK - Martin Kollar - Field Trip

by sbrothier
Between November 2009 and January 2011, Slovakian photographer Martin Kollar spent extended periods of time working and living in Israel, building a photographic dossier on one of the most contentious geographical zones of modern history. Kollar’s past, a childhood spent behind the Iron Curtain, echoed unexpectedly during his time in Israel. The delineated territories of today’s Israel mirror the partition walls of Communist Czechoslovakia during ‘normalisation’. Random police searches and detentions piqued Kollar’s sense of constantly being under surveillance and the subject of suspicion.

Old Japanese Photographs | MAPP

by sbrothier
If you are interested in the field of Japanese photographs as a collector, researcher, dealer, curator or auction house then this book is, quite simply, indispensable. The author has written on and researched the subject for many years and has brought together in one volume the results of exciting new research and also data which has been gathered from long-forgotten and largely inaccessible nineteenth-century sources. Souvenir photographs of Japan, mostly hand-coloured, are extremely collectible today. However, it is usually very difficult to identify the photographer or studio from where they originated. Provided here is a list of more than 4000 such photographs which greatly assists the identification process. Finally, a unique index of over 350 photographers and publishers of Japan-related stereoviews is also included.

Hajime Kimura

by sbrothier
his photographic story is the first subject matter that Hajime would challenge himself to portray. The trigger to his passion dates back to a decade ago, when he was just 21 years old. Sitting in the college library he stumbled upon a book that portrayed the life of an ancient Japanese people living in mountainous ranges, only 30 years ago. The tribe was described as being quite apart from the Japanese society as we know it today. The book left a deep impression that marked him for life...

Misty Keasler

by sbrothier
Love Hotels: The hidden fantasy rooms of Japan


Editions Xavier Barral

by sbrothier
Les éditions Xavier Barral publient des ouvrages sur les acteurs du monde de l’art. Chaque livre est un objet singulier. Les œuvres de Josef Koudelka, Patrick Zachmann, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Martin Parr, Raymond Depardon, Jean Gaumy, Philippe Chancel ou celles d’Annette Messager, de Sophie Calle, Daniel Buren, Thomas Hirschhorn, Fabienne Verdier, les récits de Pier Paolo Pasolini ou encore l’univers de David Lynch, William Kentridge ou Watabe apparaissent dans des « livres objets » où priment esthétique, choix graphiques et éditoriaux.


by sbrothier & 1 other
MAPP is a new business based in Soho, London, which brings together extensive experience in illustrated and art book publishing with digital design and programming. We are creating prototypes of platforms, e-books and apps and discovering the future standards of digital publishing. Working with high profile international artists, curators and museums, our ambitious publishing programme focuses on what the digital space can bring to the challenging content generated by our partners. MAPP aims to be one of the leading digital publishers of illustrated and art content.


by sbrothier
“LE PLAC’ART PHOTO”: si le nom de la boutique est un clin d’oeil à son exiguïté, sa graphie rectifie les données : c’est d’un placard aux merveilles qu’il s’agit. Le long de ce ‘couloir d’art’ - la boutique est construite tout en longueur - les étagères regorgent de trésors: livres épuisés collectés précieusement, éditions originales, revues d’art anciennes, catalogues d’exposition, affiches rares ou autres curiosités… [à dénicher d’occasion pour la plupart]. Ce lieu atypique est vivant est né d’une véritable passion du propriétaire, qui souhaite ‘mettre l’accent sur l’image, qu’elle nous raconte une histoire, nous émeuve ou nous choque, qu’elle soit le témoin d’un instant figé ou celui de l’intemporel’.


by sbrothier
Artists books by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber


by sbrothier
A l’heure où les “ réseaux sociaux ” sont probablement devenus le principal véhicule de circulation de l’image photographique, The Significant Savages propose une incursion dans l’univers des “ images de profils ”, en se concentrant sur la manière dont celles-ci sont utilisées pour résumer la personnalité de chacun, en particulier lorsqu’elles évitent de montrer le visage de l’utilisateur. Le livre est construit à partir d'une sélection de photographies de profils Facebook dans lesquels toutes sortes d'objets sont représentés en lieu et place de l'usager : vues maritimes, forêts ; chiens, chevaux et chats ; motos ou bateaux luxueux ; villes tentaculaires, chaussettes et coquillages, galaxies.

Gregoire Pujade-Lauraine

by sbrothier
A l’heure où les ‘réseaux sociaux’ sont probablement devenus le principal véhicule de circulation de l’image photographique, The Significant Savages propose une incursion dans l’univers des ‘images de profil’, en se concentrant sur la manière dont celles-ci sont utilisées pour résumer la personnalité de chacun, en particulier lorsqu’elles évitent de montrer le visage de l’utilisateur. Le livre est construit à partir d'une sélection de photographies de profil Facebook dans lesquels d’autres objets sont représentés en lieu et place de l'usager: vues maritimes, forêts; chiens et chevaux et chats; motos ou bateaux luxueux; villes tentaculaires, chaussettes et coquillages, galaxies. Les objets que nous possédons, ceux qui suscitent nos désirs, les endroits que nous avons traversés ou ceux que l’on a appris à aimer, nos animaux de compagnie —tous ces artéfacts servent notre souhait de masquer notre véritable identité, tout en satisfaisant notre désir d’exhibition. Cependant, le caractère unique de ces photographies est lui-même dilué dans un maëlstrom d’images toutes faites et de piètres clichés reproduits à l’infini, inspirés par la publicité, les agences de voyages et les médias de masse. Ces images, censées être le substrat de notre identité, finissent par être toutes identiques.

One year of books

by sbrothier
We are husband and wife, living in Paris. This blog shows our growing book collection

Galerie VU - Librairie

by sbrothier
La Galerie VU’ propose des éditions de têtes réalisées par des éditeurs. Elle est aussi à l’initiative d'éditions spéciales en séries limitées accompagnées de tirages de collection numérotés et signés. De nombreux ouvrages de nos artistes sont disponibles à la galerie.

Little More Books | Book | Photograph

by sbrothier
We publish wide variety of books, mainly focussing on art book. Take your time and look around the site to meet your special books.


by sbrothier
The snow covered Izumo seen from the window of the air-plane was just so refreshing that I felt myself purified as if landing on to the holy ground. Driving for one hour and half from the air port, I went through a long tunnel jus like the womb of a huge dragon. Having passed quiet country village, I headed forth into a hilly cedar mountain. I couldn't help sensing god's presence there. I pushed my way through the deep snow, there appeared Kanayago-jinja. (the guardian deity of iron). I had to climb the steep approach to the shrine. Snow was swept clean around the shrine and I saw names of worshippers praying for the success of their Kera making were recorded in a note-book. I simply felt a strong impulse to observe how iron be made. Having opened door, there I found Tatara.



by sbrothier
Publication of photography books Photography gallery Gallery of photography books Gallery of artist's original prints

Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre Photography

by sbrothier
Ruins are the visible symbols and landmarks of our societies and their changes, small pieces of history in suspension. The state of ruin is essentially a temporary situation that happens at some point, the volatile result of change of era and the fall of empires. This fragility, the time elapsed but even so running fast, lead us to watch them one very last time : being dismayed, or admire, making us wondering about the permanence of things. Photography appeared to us as a modest way to keep a little bit of this ephemeral state.

Steidl - Ruins of Detroit

by sbrothier
Over the past generation Detroit has suffered economically worse than any other of the major American cities and its rampant urban decay is now glaringly apparent during this current recession. Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre documented this disintegration, showcasing structures that were formerly a source of civic pride, and which now stand as monuments to the city’s fall from grace.

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last mark : 07/03/2016 14:49