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PUBLIC MARKS with tags photo & php

March 2007

Qdig : Quick Digital Image Gallery browse

by ianux
Qdig is an easy-to-use PHP script that dynamically presents your digital image files as an online gallery or set of galleries.

February 2007

January 2007

Plogger: The definitive open-source web photo gallery

by delavigne & 24 others
Plogger is the next generation in open-source photo gallery systems. A web application not bloated with superfluous features or complicated configuration settings. Plogger is a simple yet powerful tool — everything you need to share your images with the world.

December 2006

FlickrViewer Download

by ngirotto & 5 others
What is FlickrViewer? FlickrViewer is a PHP script that allows you to view a Flickr photo set in SimpleViewer.

PHP Classes - Class: Photo Album

by jean-gael
PHP Classes - Class: Photo Album

November 2006

Simple Gallery

by teddyber

:: Design for a better internet :: Open Source by Ted Forbes ::

by nhoizey & 3 others (via)
Satellite™ is an online application for displaying a gallery of images remotely from your account. It can be used as an off the shelf website that uses the Flickr API to make calls to your Flickr account so you can take full advantage of Flickr's Organizr and keyword capabilities which are then mirrored on your personal site.

October 2006

Pixelpost :: Authentic Photoblog Flavour

by boninmat & 19 others
Système pour la création de photoblogs facile à installer et configurer, mulitlingue et prêt à l'emploi avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités : création automatique de miniatures, édition, commentaires, thèmes, flux rss, gestion des données EXIF, calendrier, plusieurs images par jour, multi-catégories...

Developing PHP the Ajax way, Part 1: Getting started

by rmaltete & 1 other (via)
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), is arguably the most popular new Web technology. In this two-part "Developing PHP the Ajax way" series, you will create a simple photo album as an online Web application, entirely in PHP and the Simple Ajax Toolkit (Sajax). You'll begin by writing a simple photo album using the standard method of PHP development and later apply Sajax to make it an active Web application.

August 2006


by sciob & 47 others
Une gallerie photo en PHP


by thbkrshw & 38 others, 1 comment (via)
gallerie de photo en ligne, simple à mettre en place, nécessite php et mysql.

PEL: PHP Exif Library

by Xavier Lacot
The PHP Exif Library (PEL) lets you manipulating Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format) data. This is the data that digital cameras place in their images, such as the date and time, shutter speed, ISO value and so on.

July 2006

June 2006

May 2006

FlickrViewer Download

by nhoizey & 5 others (via)
FlickrViewer allows you to view a Flickr photo set in SimpleViewer. SimpleViewer is a popular flash photo viewing tool, so FlickrViewer allows you to load photos from one of your flickr photo sets into this.