public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags photo & online

March 2006

Slidestory Home

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Take whats great about sharing high resolution pictures and podcasting on the web and what do you get? Slidestory. Slidestory is a new and exciting way to share photos and narrate in your own voice, lending a more personal flair to picture sharing and podcasting.

PXN8.COM - Online Photo Editor

by dominoes & 40 others
online picture edit and tansfer to flickr

PXN8.COM - Online Photo Editor

by jackysee & 45 others (via)
類似 pixoh 的在線圖像編輯器,同樣有 bookmarketlet 和連接 flickr,而且有其他功能如去紅眼、白牙等等

Flickr Leech

by lz00zl & 32 others
great tool for browsing lots of flicker images at once


by lz00zl & 54 others
Edit pictures online

Image Upload For Ebay, Forums, EzBoards, MySpace

by ycc2106 provides free image hosting services compatible with WebTV, eBay, Yahoo Auctions and Stores, EZBoards, or any auction site, and more...


by ycc2106 & 10 others
Fast. Simple. Intuitive. Sharpcast Photos brings your computer, your mobile phone and the web into perfect harmony so you can see and manage your entire photo collection from anywhere, at any time with the rich, intuitive view you're used to on the desktop. Full of one-of-a-kind features like instantaneous backup of mobile phone pictures, speedy catalog recovery and other completely worry-free photo features that only Sharpcast delivers, Sharpcast Photos equals simplicity.

February 2006 - Free browser-based web meeting

by Tetsuo6995 & 30 others (via)
Un site de meeting bien foutu , interface rapide et facile a comprendre , tableau blanc , webcam , mp3 bref tout !

PXN8.COM - Online Image Editor

by rednicole & 45 others
線上圖片編輯器。可以選擇電腦中的圖片上傳,也可以使用網路上的圖片超連結,功能有ZOOM IN、ZOOM OUT、同比例放大縮小、改尺寸比例、旋轉角度設定、SPIRIT LEVEL、COLORS、消除紅眼、調亮美白、單色調設定等等,是個簡單又好操作的線上圖片編輯程式,修改後的圖片可以下載存檔,也可以直接上傳到Flickr相簿中(它還會詳細條列你修改這張圖片總共用了那些功能步驟),可以省掉開啟軟體修圖再上傳的時間,走到那修到那哦!下面試做了一張圖片,顏色對比強烈又有點霓虹卡通的感覺,你也可以試試看哦~ | Customer Examples.

by lljones & 1 other
un outil pour faire des vidéo qui présentent un tour d'horizon 360°

Site for social photo bookmarking: search similar images, tag, rate and get recommendations

by rxvt & 5 others
It's a site for photo bookmarking. You can tag images you see on the web and retrieve them later. And by rating images, the system learns and will then be able to recommend images you may like. It's also possible to browse images by shape and color similarity. Here's an example of similar image search:


by blogsir & 8 others


by kalley & 8 others (via)

January 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag photo

image +   montage +   Panoramique +   science fiction +   synthèse +