public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag philosophy

September 2008

Tom Morris: 2007-10-13

by greut
<blockquote><p>Since when do *camps have a keynote, title, lead & partner sponsors AND charge for admission?! Did I hear bullshit?</p></blockquote><p>uhu</p>

August 2008

June 2008

May 2008

April 2008

Georges Bataille Electronic Library

by rike_
Georges Bataille (1897-1962) was by profession a librarian at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. In his off hours, however, he was also a fringe Surrealist, vanguard intellectual, and writer of a wide-ranging body of work that includes philosophy, economics, poetry, and pornography. In all of these writings, Bataille was concerned to articulate a "science of the heterogeneous," a philosophy of everything repudiated by civil society: shit, blood, sacrifice, deviance, violence. The wellsprings of this philosophy apparently lay in personal experience — in particular his childhood with a suicidal mother and a blind, syphilitic father — and yet his ideas resonated deeply with other mid-century philosophy (for example, shit in Bataille's system was analogous to the "other" in Phenomenology and Existentialism) and helped to pave the way to contemporary "theory."

March 2008

Wikipedia en proie aux comparaisons | Guitef

by FrancoisGuite
Deux autres comparaisons de la fiabilité de Wikipedia par rapport aux encyclopédies traditionnelles, dont l'une plus spécifique sur les philosophes.

February 2008

December 2007

Squashed Philosophers- Condensed Plato Aristotle Augustine Descartes Hume Marx Freud Copernicus Hobbes Sartre Ayer Sade Wittgenstein Einstein

by knann & 17 others (via)
THE books which defined the way The West thinks now... In their own words... but condensed and abridged into something like readable

November 2007

October 2007

August 2007

July 2007

西闪 评价罗蒂

by maple

June 2007

THOUGHTS - 友誼與追憶

by maple
Identität und Differenz中海德格提醒我們,存有只能以差異的形式被追憶。而我自身,何嘗又不是始終棲身在這差異之間隙中,才能不斷被(卻無法成功地完全被)呼喚出來?我不斷介入與他人之糾纏、情感相吸,卻同時又撤退著,告別著。

May 2007

Editions ere

by Katy.Remy & 5 others
Plateforme éditoriale Littérature, essais, art, ouvrages collectifs. Édition de livres, de cd, de dvd, de revues et de documents numériques. Des éditions à acheter, d’autres à télécharger.

April 2007

Textes rares

by Katy.Remy & 2 others
Bibliography. Texts and pictures from the 15th to the 19th century. Quelques textes en ligne