public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag paper



Digital paper packs

by Stephane
Beautiful digital papers in 250 colors with geometric and floral patterns and textures




POP - Prototyping on Paper | iPhone App Prototyping Made Easy

by sbrothier & 3 others
Creating wireframes on your favorite notebook. Take your time and sketch your interface carefully. Pen & paper are the best tools. Complicated software only gets in the way.

Balloon Mapping Kit (retail) |

by sbrothier
The kit ships with paper documentation. (all available on the Guides page for download) The latest editions of: Grassroots Mapping Guide Balloon Mapping Quick Start Guide Balloon Mapping Flight Checklists and Packing Lists Kit contributors list CERN Open Hardware License Legal Indemnity & Safety warnings Welcome to Public Laboratory getting started page (not for first KS shipping, but for later kits?) a 1 page Flight Log

Crèche de Noël en papertoy | Paper Toy (The Paper Toys Coop)

by sbrothier
Demain, c’est déjà décembre ! et qui dit décembre dit Noël ! Et qui dit Noël… dit bien évidemment crèche, Jésus de Nazareth, nativité et compagnie. Pas religieux pour un sou, j’ai d’habitude beaucoup de mal avec toutes ces icônes chrétiennes… Mais là, l’artiste Mau Russo m’a bluffé. Il a réussi à renouveler le genre, sans en dénaturer l’esprit. Une juste dose d’humour et de design avec ce diorama que je n’aurai aucun problème à exhiber sous mon sapin. Pour une fois…


Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete

by sbrothier (via)
Papercraft Self Portrait - 2009 I made this as my costume for Halloween 2009. It was kind of inspired by big-head mode seen in videogames. I really wanted to get the faceted geosphere look with wireframe.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag paper

3d +   activités +   animation +   art +   artist +   book +   buy +   calendar +   camera +   craft +   design +   diy +   enfants +   flash +   free +   fun +   game +   games +   graphic +   handmade +   hardware +   howto +   illustration +   ipad +   iphone +   kids +   light +   location:japan +   magazine +   make +   model +   models +   organization +   origami +   papercraft +   papercut +   papertoy +   pdf +   photography +   pinhole +   popup +   portfolio +   print +   shop +   tools +   toy +   toys +   tutorial +   video +   webdesign +  

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François Hodierne
last mark : 09/06/2023 12:43

last mark : 15/06/2018 12:49

last mark : 01/05/2015 14:00

last mark : 03/11/2014 12:32

Lila Novska
last mark : 23/07/2014 17:46

last mark : 11/05/2014 15:34

last mark : 02/07/2013 14:25

last mark : 15/01/2013 14:48